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Her Campus Survival Kits

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Case chapter.

Her Campus sent us some life-savings kits to help us through finals, and here’s just a few thoughts some of our writers had on them:

1. Porchips! Popchips are fantastic. Normal potato chips are actually really bad for you: high in fat, high number of calories, and high sodium. Yes, they’re good for your taste buds, but they’re not good for your health. Popchips, on the other hand, are wonderful. They have all these great flavors, like barbecue and sour cream and onion, and it’s all made with all-natural ingredients. Eating the popped chips (which are made using high heat and pressure, kind of like how popcorn is made) is just like eating potato chips. Except this stuff isn’t made with artificial flavors and it doesn’t have all the added fat. It’s actually the best snack food ever.


2. Chipotle Cards! I probably eat Chipotle 4-5 times a week when I’m on campus, and I always tell myself it’s because it’s convenient. It’s always on my way home from anywhere else on campus, and the line isn’t ever really THAT long, and the food is all sustainable and stuff! But then I go home for the summer, and I still find myself making every excuse to stop by Chipotle and get my burrito bowl fix. I don’t think it’s physically possible for me to not be in the mood for Chipotle

3. Luna Bars! I started eating Luna Bars during High School because I was always so busy and I was desperately in need on some quick snacks. I don’t usually like energy bars because it’s hard to get past the fact that so any just taste like dirt, but I love that fact that Luna Bars are just so good all the time! They’re also made to help meet women’s nutritional health needs, so it’s easy to feel good about eating them. My personal favorite is the chocolate peppermint one, but Her Campus sent some ‘Smores ones, which were actually pretty good as well! Luna Bars, you have yet to let me down.