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Campus Cutie: Shagun Berry

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Case chapter.
This week’s campus cutie is the beautiful Shagun Berry. She’s smart, funny, so much fun to be around, and agreed to answer a few questions, so here we go:
Name: Shagun (Pronounced like shotgun without the ‘t’)
Relationship Status: Single
Year: Sophomore 
Major: Biology, and maybe Economics!
Hometown: Orland Park (Suburb of Chicago)
Favorite movie: Both parts of Harry Potter 7 
Three Top Items on Bucket List: Learn how to sit spin on ice, skydive, and spend a couple of months travelling and exploring
Favorite Quote: “Fear less, hope more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say more; hate less, love more; and all good things are yours.”
Dream Job: Owning my own bakery! …if only I knew how to bake.
Woman Crush Wednesday: Emma Watson or Priyanka Chopra
Man Crush Monday: Currently, Wentworth Miller (Prison Break)