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Campus Cutie: Henry Hershey

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Case chapter.

This week’s Campus Cutie is a man of many talents, some interesting hobbies, and a lot of stories to tell. Give it up for Henry Hershey!

Name: Henry Hershey

Major: Biology and Environmental Studies

Homewtown: Westfield, NJ

Year: Junior

Relationship Status: Taken

Age: 20

Some Involvement on Campus: Working at the campus farm, Sigma Nu, Lambda Eta Mu (Service Honor Fraternity), and the Student Leadership Journey Council (SLJC)

Fun Fact: Henry was a hardcore band-geek in high school

Favorite Quote:

Serious Quote: “What is to give light must endure burning.” – Viktor E. Frankl

Funny Quote: “All music is folk music, I ain’t never heard no horse sing a song.” – Louis Armstrong

Coolest Vacation/Trip: “One of my best friends from high school is from Greece. I spent some time there with him and we stayed in a town that his grandfather actually founded. I remember staying up all night on the beach and just having an epic time.”

Dream Job: A Fishing Guide or some kind of Wilderness Conservationist

MCM: Sean Connery

WCW: Anna Kendrick

Dream Superpower: To become an expert at anything instantaneously like in the movie Limitless, except with no side effects

Temi is a junior English major who loves programming with the University Program Board, competing on the Varsity Track and Field team, and being part of her wonderful sorority. She is a firm believer that the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body and language is the most powerful force in the universe.