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Campus Celebrity: Hanno Fenech

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Case chapter.

This week, I sat down with Hanno Fenech, and let me tell you, there’s definitely more to him than meets the eye. Hanno is a sophomore originally from Toronto, Ontario who moved to Iowa around the age of six. He’s a fun-loving guy with lots of cats, a short attention span, and a constant desire to learn new things. Fun Fact: His favorite superhero is “Storm” from X-Men. Read more about Hanno below!

Her Campus: So, Hanno, what are some things you’re involved with on campus?Hanno Fenech: I’m in a fraternity, and I play the viola. I’m part of a quintet as well as other groups. Surprise…I’m a huge orchestra dork.

HC: Wow, that’s really cool. What’s your favorite kind of classical music?HF: I really enjoy the romantic period, which came into existence around the 19th century. It’s all about human emotion, and it’s so passionate. I love composers like Brahms.

HC: What about music that isn’t classical?HF: I pretty much like everything but screamo and country, but I guess what I listen to really just depends on my mood. I really like Sam Smith too… (jokingly) I feel like I brought him to this country because my mom is British and I heard his songs over there a while ago and all of a sudden he’s really huge here.

HC: I love Sam Smith too! His voice is so romantic. Speaking of which, describe your perfect first date to me.HF: The activity part of the date doesn’t matter. What makes it perfect is who it’s with. I’d like to be with someone who is interesting and who I can learn from. I hate being the only one talking and I really appreciate learning from others.

HC: Alright dude, I have one last question… why Case?HF: First of all, I like the partnership our school has with CIM. I get to go to one of the nation’s best conservatories while attending a four year institution. That’s pretty special. Also, when I visited I got a pretty good impression. At a lot of the other schools I visited, I felt like the students were pretty pretentious, but I didn’t get that vibe here.

Temi is a junior English major who loves programming with the University Program Board, competing on the Varsity Track and Field team, and being part of her wonderful sorority. She is a firm believer that the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body and language is the most powerful force in the universe.