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Campus Celeb: Rad Maheshwari

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Case chapter.

This week’s Campus Celeb is Rad Maheshwari! Rad is genuine, compassionate, talented, passionate, and simply rad. Read more about her below:


Name: RadAge: 20.56Year: JuniorMajor: FinanceMinor: Political ScienceRelationship Status: Single

Her Campus: What’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever done?Rad Maheshwari: Definitely traveling though the Amazon Rainforest in Peru. It was so exciting because I got to take all I’d learned about Peruvian culture through my classes and incorporate it into real-life experiences. I also got to do some pretty life changing stuff like fishing for piranhas and trying cool rainforest fruits. Something really awesome about the hotel where I stayed was that the Indigenous people were in charge and managed the entire hotel industry, so I got to learn about the rainforest while preserving it and understanding its importance. In all the rooms, the fourth wall was open, so animals would totally just wander in, and they did. It was like the Rainforest Cafe…but better.


HC: Who’s your role model?RM: Definitely my mom, she does it all. She not only manages to work and travel, but she makes a point to keep in touch with my sister and I. Even though she’s incredibly busy, she knows what’s going on with my life, and how I’m doing. I really don’t know how she does it. She also epitomizes the perfection of a 21st century woman. It’s crazy how intelligent she is, and how she can do so much. My parents are both immigrants and I guess I never really realized how hard it is so be a successful immigrant and be a working mother of two at the same time. Seeing her independence and drive has inspired me to take on as much as I can. I’ve never met a person so selfless.Oh, and also Beyonce. She’s my role model too.

Woman Crush Wednesday: Leslie Knoppe because of her hilarious character, Sonia Sotomayor because I respect how much she’s prevailed as a woman of color in law, and Mindy Kaling, which I understand is cliche coming from a Brown girl, but I really do relate to her. An honestly, comedy takes a lot of wit and intelligence. I respect that.Man Crush Monday: Joseph Gordon Levitt — he’s so adorable and cute, and he’s a feminist too! Oh, and Ron Swanson. He’s just so badass.Involvement on campus: Kappa Alpha Theta, Executive Committee of the Academic Integrity Board, Campus Tour Guide, SpartanthonSpirit Animal: A husky because they’re stubborn and independent, yet loving and careful.

HC: What’s an important life lesson you’ve learned?RM: It’s better to make the best out of a bad situation or to find humor in it than complain. I try not to get too frustrated or upset — having a positive attitude, staying calm, and being level headed is all part of growing up. Life isn’t supposed to be simple, but you can still make the best out of it. I’ve also learned that it’s important to be open minded. I probably wouldn’t be friends with a lot of the people I cherish if I wasn’t open minded.

HC: Who’s your favorite musical artist?RM: The Black Keys, for sure. I’ve always been a fan, and the fact that they’re a two-man band is just unreal. I also like that all of their music really varies. The transitions in their albums and the progression of their sounds is really cool.


Temi is a junior English major who loves programming with the University Program Board, competing on the Varsity Track and Field team, and being part of her wonderful sorority. She is a firm believer that the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body and language is the most powerful force in the universe.