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Back-to-School Survival Kits

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Case chapter.

Her Campus was amazing enough to send us a Back-to-School Survival Kit! We gave away some of the following products in our raffle via our Twitter account (https://twitter.com/HerCampusCase) and just wanted to share a few thoughts by some of our writers on the different sponsors of the kit:

Nasty Gal: Right, honestly I would probably have been paying more attention in class if I wasn’t so busy online shopping on Nasty Gal instead.

Affinitas: I’m honestly a little obsessed with my new cupcake panty from these guys. May have to order them in every possible color.

Chipotle: It provies the same comfort and warmth that a significant other provides, sans the drama. #HaveYourBurritoAndEatItToo

Luna Bars: The only thing getting me through all these midterm papers is honestly the Luna Bar I’m eating right now.

The Tanda Zap: This acne treatment device uses blue LED light technology and sonic vibration to soothe skin and clear acne spots. Apart for being dermatologist tested and approved, it’s gentle on my sensitive skin and actually gets the job done.

Neutrogena: The Exfoliate is beyond fabulous. I’ve never felt so confident, and my skin is really thanking me for this treatment

European Wax: My skin has never felt so smooth…and my first wax was free! Now that’s what I call a win-win.

Clue: Clue is the easiest way to track my cycle. No more unwanted surprises or stains – I get alerts sent straight to my phone when my period is coming. Not to mention, now I can figure out when my mood is connected to my cycle. à “Best app I’ve ever downloaded. With Clue, there are no more surprises! Mother Nature can’t catch me off-guard anymore! #KnowledgeisPower”

Aeropostle: Aeropostale’s new product line is impressive, to say the least. While the remnants of childish t-shirts with some variation of “AERO” embroidered across the chest still exist, Aero’s newer clothing is – surprisingly – hip. The crop tops come in floral designs, lace designs and other various patterns, cute enough to rival the likes of American Eagle and Forever 21. Their boxy tee that has recently made an appearance in college fashion has cute phrases on it, like “Friday night is already here,” sprawled around an interesting skyline design. Aero even has fashion jerseys, something that collegiettes would definitely wear. From baseball tees to cropped turtlenecks, Aero’s clothing definitely has a more college feel to it. The sweaters and cardigans were oversized and fashionable. Go to any college campus and you’re bound to see women wearing variations of Aero’s sweaters and cardigans. The average price of these sweaters wasn’t half bad: it appeared to be around $20. That’s a pretty good deal for a very fashion-conscious sweater. The dresses, leggings, and skirts all were similar in style to Forever 21, H&M, and the like. Even the models featured wearing the items were older, signaling Aero’s shift to more mature clothing. They also had parkas and blazers, in styles that just screamed college. However, the accessories were a bit dated. From tote bags to chunky heart necklaces, the choices seemed a bit child-like and not at all related to the rest of their new line. They did redeem themselves with their choice in boots: gone were the Ugg wannabes and in their place were cute leather boots and booties. All in all, it appears that Aeropostale has definitely made a change for the older audience – and we at HerCampus are all for it.