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5 Signs It’s Fall Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Case chapter.

5. Midterm exams are finally over. All the cramming and stressing has seized. The allnighters are no more, at least for the time being. Everyone is rejoicing and just glad the exams are over, even if they did’t no so great on them.

4. A lot of students have quickly departed from the campus, leave an unsettling quietness. There are no longer hoards of people trying to get from one place to the next. The dorms are the quietest they have ever been, the only sound being someone’s Netflix playing through the walls.

3. The most obvious sign probably is the vibrance of autumn all around. The leaves are starting to change color and fall, all the plants and flowers that were so beautiful in the beginning of the school year have wilted away, and that crazy fall weather of Cleveland’s changes constantly.

2. You are emotioanally exhausted. While you may be rejoicing over the fact that midterms are over, going through them has nevertheless left you a hot mess. Matter of fact you might be looking so down that your professor asks if you need a hug, 

1. If you are fortunate enough, you’re going home. You get to sleep in your own bed and eat food that will make you loathe the meal plan even more. Being home will a much needed break from college and you’ll enjoy every moment of it until you have to come back. 

A freshman at Case Western Reserve University. I love reading, Tumblr, and food; the essentials for my existence. Netflix is up there too.