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15 Signs You And Your Bestfriend Are Everything

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Case chapter.

15. You’ve traveled together and survived…as a matter of fact, you’re already planning your next trip together.

14. If your parents or siblings can’t reach you, they’ll text your bestfriend instead and have her pass a message along.

13. If she truly hates the crazy girl who lives down the hall, you instantly hate her too, no questions asked.

12. You have a pair of TV or celebrity bestfriends that you constantly refer to yourselves as.

11. You have each other’s log in info to Facebook, Instagram, and anything else that matters.

10. You’ve reached the level where you’re comfortable telling her point-blank if she’s being mean, selfish, or stupid.

9. You can go a week or two without talking, but she’s the first person you text when you have big news/good news/bad news/annoying news/anything that’s worth discussing.

8. You like to go out and do fun stuff together, but you guys are also totally okay just lounging around the house while other people judge you for not moving.

7. If she has nothing to wear, your closet is the first she considers raiding.

6. Holiday presents for each other are more important than presents for significant others.

5. You have zero issue climbing into each other’s beds and passing out. Personal space is no longer a thing.

4. Your parents feel no need to clean the house when your bestfriend comes around and vice versa -after all, she’s around so much that there’s no longer a need to put up a front.

3. You know that you’ll be each other’s Maids of Honor someday and also know you’re going to make the best speeches. 

2. If you go to separate schools and your friends have never met your bestfriend, they still know exactly who she is because of all the times you’ve mentioned her.

1. You may each have a different ‘bestfriend from high school’ or ‘bestfriend from college’ or ‘bestfriend from camp’ etc., but you both know without question that the two of you are each other’s only plain ‘bestfriend’ (through everything).