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Why It’s Totally Okay to Change your Major

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.

It seems like when we were five years old the hardest decision we had to make was choosing which dress to wear for the first day of school, and the easiest decision was what we wanted to be when we grew up. Now, you’re screaming into your pillow, stressing out and wondering if you’re even in the major you want to be in.

    I’m in my second year at Carleton University currently majoring in Communication Studies. Let me tell you, though; to get to where I am now, I had to change my major almost three times. I started off in Communications studies, switched into a Bachelor of Science, then almost into Psychology, and finally back to Communication studies!

What makes you come alive?

   It’s simple as that. Ask yourself if you are having fun. Are you enjoying what you are learning? Or does it feel like someone pulling your legs off the bed as you are holding onto it for dear life?

Who are you doing it for?

   By the end of my second semester in my first year, I wanted to switch into a Bachelor of Science. I was surrounded by people who would subtly comment on how a science degree would get me that BMW I want after I graduate, the coach purse for my nights out, and the beautiful penthouse in New York City. Really fancy, eh? But it was all driven by monetary gain, and I was doing it to please those that said money buys happiness. I was doing it to show everybody that I, too, will live a fancy life. I was doing it for everybody…but me.

What does the future look like for you?

   It’s important to ask where your major will take you, both in your career and in your personal life at home. Is getting married and starting a family an important part of your future?

   With a science degree, I wanted to be a doctor but even movies make it evident, some professions take a lot of personal time away. Can you handle that and be able to change diapers, remember play dates, and enjoy watching cartoons with your kids?

Talk to an advisor

  They are paid to help you! If you don’t get the answer you are looking for, then go talk to a different advisor. Talk to as many as you can until you feel certain about your choice. An academic advisor will be able to show you what your options are. I had to make sure I could switch out of Science and come back to Communication Studies if anything fell through!

Talk to students in that major

  See what their course schedule looks like; better yet, find out what courses are required in that major. Do nine hour laboratories, night classes, and early 8:30 a.m. lectures on statistics interest you? If it does, then that’s great. But for me, even looking at my new schedule as a Science major made me question my mood swings every day.

   I hope these 5 tips made you feel a little more at ease. If they haven’t, all I can say suggest is that you choose a major that makes you “feel” more than you think. Whatever major you choose, and whatever career comes out of that, it has to answer “what do I want to BE” instead of “what do I want to DO” because if it’s your passion, it will never feel like you’re going to work.

   Good luck!



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A writer who lives for waffles, travelling and mostly in the moment. I think being able to captivate someone with your intelligence is raw and genuine. Read away my fellow friends, and anytime you can write, do write - they're always valid.