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Thoughtful Thursdays: On Roommates

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.

Those of us in residence living with a roommate can all agree: it has its ups and downs. Sharing a room with another person rarely ends up being the extended slumber party you first expected it to be. Fun and games aside, you may find you encounter some conflicts with your roommate. Those of us who have lived in residence understand, but even if you live off campus, some of these points may apply to you and your housemates.

Pro: Instant friendYour roommate is your first friend at university. They are likely the person you bring along to all frosh week activities, and the one you eat with in the cafeteria. If nothing else, you both bond over being new to university, sharing both your fear and excitement. Having someone in the same boat as you makes for an easier transition. Neither of you really know what you’re doing, but that’s okay because you’re doing it together.

Con: Having a noisy roommateNot everyone is as quiet as you are at night, and not everyone goes to bed/wakes up at the same time as you. You may get paired up with a loud snorer, early riser, or midnight snacker. In my case, I get woken up by my roomie’s alarm way too early on some mornings. Tip: earplugs do actually help! If you’re a light sleeper like I am, stick a pair in or put on some headphones with soothing music when you go to bed.

Pro: You will never be lonely againHaving a roommate means constantly having someone you can talk to. Need some advice? They’re there to give it. Want someone to watch Netflix with? You have a friend just a few feet away. Want someone to hit the gym with? Your roommate can be the perfect workout buddy. And you can always depend on them to let you in when you forget your keys.

Con: Keeping it cleanIt can be a struggle to divide up responsibility to keep your room tidy, especially when you and your roommate have conflicting ideas of “messy.” Messes don’t bother me too much, as you would be able to tell from one look at my desk (or rather, the fact that you can’t even see my desk). My roommate’s side of the room is usually pretty tidy, as she likes it. If you’re a neat freak living with a messy person like myself, I sincerely apologize.

Pro: Sharing is caringIt’s common for roommates to share everything with each other. For example, I let my roommate use my electric kettle, and she shares her hot chocolate with me. Your roommate may even offer to share their clothes with you. When you’re stuck without a cute shirt to wear to the party, your roomie may just save the day. Two closets are better than one!

Con: No privacySharing a room with someone doesn’t leave a lot of opportunity for alone time, and it makes it nearly impossible to have that special someone over for the evening. It can also sometimes be hard to be yourself with someone else around. Some of your idiosyncrasies may have to be repressed in order not to weird out your roommate.
