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Op-Ed: Why Street Harassment Needs to End

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.


Chances are you have experienced street harassment at some point in your life.

In fact, a recent poll conducted by the organization Hollaback! Ottawa reported that 97% of respondents stated that they have experienced street harassment in Ottawa in the past year. Being honked at, hearing sexist comments, being stalked, followed, grabbed or touched in a sexual manner, or witnessing public masturbation are experiences that have been a part of daily life for many women and LGBTQ folk.

And it needs to end.

I can personally recall being honked at by men while simply walking down the street. Or having strange men approach me while I am alone, and inform me that my boyfriend is lucky to have me. Or being leered at as I sit on the bus. I have had a man stop his car in the middle of traffic as I was waiting alone for the bus, look at me, honk, and drive away. I am left in shock and anger each and every time, even though I can safely say I have experienced each situation almost a dozen times.

Hollaback! Ottawa is an incredible organization that seeks to end street harassment in Ottawa. As stated on their website, street harassment is rarely reported and it is, “culturally accepted as ‘the price you pay’ for being a woman or for being gay.” Hollaback seeks to collect and share the stories of those who have been harassed in our city. By creating this safe space, it can allow those who have been harassed to connect with our peers and support those who experience harassment on a daily basis. Hollaback!’s exist all over the world and are becoming an amazing way to encourage individuals to fight back.

We deserve to feel safe when we leave our homes. It is that simple. My choice of dress, my makeup, my simple presence on this earth is not a reason to be stared down, or yelled at, or to experience offensive remarks day after day, night after night.

Get angry, get involved and report when you have been harassed or help those, in the safest way possible, when you see that they are being harassed. Share your stories and get involved in activities in your community that fight back against street harassment.

This cultural norm will not end until we do something about it, and we deserve to take back our streets.

Samantha Lapierre is a 4th year Communications student at Carleton University! She considers herself the sixth member of the Spice Girls and has an unhealthy love for One Direction, cheese platters and daytime talkshows. One day she hopes to be a television doctor, but for now she is happy to be a contributor for HerCampus Carleton!Tweet her at @samanthamarg
Jasmine Williams is a fourth-year Journalism major, pursuing a minor in Film Studies at Carleton University. An internship at a recently launched online magazine prepared her for her new, exciting role as Campus Correspondent for Carleton University. She is never too far away from her iPhone and in her spare time, you can find her scrolling through various tumblr blogs while listening to Kings of Leon. After university, she hopes to pursue a career in online journalism.