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New Pumpkin Spice Product Ideas That Absolutely No One Needs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.

I am thrilled to announce that we have reached the best month of the year: October. Shelves are lined with seasonal products, and although Halloween candy is surely taking home the monopoly here, pumpkin spice is the one true infiltrator of everything autumn. No one can remember when pumpkin spice was even first introduced into the fall cycle of products. Was it five years ago that ten variations of this flavour materialized on café menus? Hundreds of years ago? It may have been forever and still, every year, new products are added to a seemingly endless list. 

So of course, in celebration of the season, I have to make a personal contribution. This article will suggest a handful of ideas for new pumpkin spice-themed products. 

Pumpkin Spice-Flavoured Straw

A straw lined with pumpkin spice flavouring that makes anything you drink with it taste like pumpkin spice. It’s single use and costs $2, so one might say it’s both less economical and less environmentally-friendly than putting the spice straight into the drink. Still, it’s novel.

Pumpkin Spice-Flavoured Pencil

A pencil that has pumpkin spice flavouring in the metal casing, so you taste pumpkin when you chew on the end of it while in distress over the group member who still hasn’t done their share of the project, even though it’s due tonight at 10 pm. But, much like it’s predecessor, smelly stickers, this product is not edible whatsoever.

Pumpkin Spice Tea With No Pumpkin Spice

There is truly something for everyone. Even if you’re not a big fan of the pumpkin spice flavour, you don’t have to miss out on the pumpkin spice fun. Order pumpkin spice tea without the actual pumpkin spice, and you still get the special seasonal pumpkin spice cup! Comes with complimentary hot water.

Pumpkin Spice Sauce Fountain

This product is of course in the vein of a chocolate fountain. What types of food, exactly, go well with pumpkin spice sauce? The answer still needs to be determined.

Pumpkin Spice Miniature Food Train that Runs Around Your Table

Remember that little train that runs around the Other Mother’s dinner table carrying mashed potatoes and gravy in Coraline? Something about the train just makes all the food look more delectable. Yeah, this product is exactly like that, but every food item on it has to be pumpkin spice themed.

Pumpkin Spice Dalmatian

A new kind of pet dog you can get that’s painted reddish orange (though a few ethical concerns here).

I hope these ideas get you excited about the pumpkin spice season! If any business students are interested in making these dreams a reality, I’m willing to go 60/40 on profits (the 60 being my cut).

Author’s Note: The amount of times that the term “pumpkin spice” has been used in this article has probably single handedly made it an internet buzzword. My apologies, but it was unavoidable.

Aria Mann

Carleton '25

Aria Mann is a Carleton University student. At any given time you could probably catch her reading, playing the piano, or listening to new music. Or writing. Obviously.