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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.

As 2024 has started, I have decided to list some things that I want to bring with me to the new year and some aspects I want to leave in 2023.

Out: Caring about what other people think

Starting out with a very important one and my biggest goal for the year. I have struggled a lot in my daily life because of caring what other people think. The thing is, there will always be people who dislike you or are mean for no reason. I have decided to not invest my energy in people who don’t deserve it, and to stop overanalyzing other people’s opinions about myself.

In: Trying new things

This goes along with the previous point. It can be scary to try out new things and step out of your comfort zone. However, this year I have decided to try out new hobbies and activities and hopefully find some things I can add to my daily routine. I think it is important to not let other responsibilities such as work or school distract us from fun and enjoyable activities.

Out: Bad spending habits

In 2024 I want to be more financially aware. As a student, it is pretty stressful to deal with your finances and be independent. However, this year I want to focus on being more aware of what I spend my money on and spend less on unnecessary stuff.

In: Being hydrated

I struggle with this A LOT. Being hydrated has a huge impact on our mood and energy levels, so this year I want to be the girl who carries her water bottle everywhere and drinks water all the time.

Out: Procrastinating

To be honest, I have been a procrastinator my entire life. This is something that has a huge impact on my mental health, as assignments get piled up and I get burnt out. So this year, I think it’s out with the procrastination, and in with the organization and staying on top of tasks.

In: Studying at the library

I have been doing this since last year but the library is such a nice place to study and be productive. Carleton’s library is huge and very pretty. When I have to focus and get work done, the library is my best friend and I will be there for hours. I want to keep this same energy for 2024.

I hope you enjoyed reading some of my ins and outs for this year. Maybe you can add some to your list for the year!

Andrea Leon

Carleton '26

Andrea is a Social Media Team Member at the Her Campus chapter of Carleton University in Ottawa. She manages and creates content for this chapter's social media, such as Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. Beyond Her Campus, she is a second-year student in the Communication and Media Studies program. She is originally from Mexico and moved to Canada for school. Andrea is very passionate about women's issues and loves writing for Her Campus. She loves being involved with the media and entertainment world. In her free time, she can be found reading, crocheting, and listening to Taylor Swift. She also loves walking around the city and visiting cute coffee shops!