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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.

Name: Maggie Pajor
Hometown: Windsor, Ontario
Major/Year: Humanities ’15
Relationship Status: Single

Why did you decide to move to Ottawa? Well, my cousin actually went to Carleton for his undergraduate and he really pushed for it, saying, “Oh, it’s a really great place and it has a really cool atmosphere. Even the oldest part of the city is beautiful and the campus is always thriving.” So I was like, okay, I’ll check it out. I ended up falling in love with it. Also with my program and everything that was part of it, and the extensive reading, which is really nerdy, but I love it. And the vibes from the people…the campus is just unique and one-of-a-kind.

How would you describe your personality? It’s really different, I guess. I have a really weird sense of humor. Everything to me is kind of funny but at the same time I can be serious. Generally I’m smiling, laughing, having a good time, or being a bit sarcastic.

Do you speak any languages other than English? I speak Polish. That’s where my family is from.

You have the day off. What are you up to? Either walking around campus, going to Rideau [Centre], going to Bank St. to visit the cafés, or sitting in my room reading!

What’s your favorite thing about Carleton University? I really like the diversity on campus, how there’s always something going on. It’s never boring or dead. You can always find something to do whether it’s joining a club, going out somewhere, or meeting new people.

If you could trade places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be and why? Probably Angelina Jolie because Brad Pitt is her husband. Why wouldn’t you want that? You get a whole day with Brad Pitt!

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? I would honestly love to live in Poland. I’ve actually thought about it, that’s why I’m hoping to study abroad so I can at least get a year there to see how it is. But I’d love to live there.

Where do you see yourself in five years? Probably stuck in school. Doing a masters or going to law school. One of those.

A random fact about you? I love love love Disney movies! You can be 30, you can be 80, but Disney movies are forever. They’re so cute.

Describe your ideal first date. As corny as it sounds, it would be really cute just to go for a walk somewhere; you don’t have to spend any money or anything. Just hanging around with the person, that would be the ideal date. You can just get to know each other.

Who do you think should do the asking out for a date, guy or girl? It depends. Sometimes the guys are really shy so you do have to give them a little push and be the first person. It’s more classy for a guy to ask a girl out, but if the girl is really forward and outgoing, then go for it.

Funniest pick-up line you’ve heard? Do you have a library card? Because I’m checking you out! It was something weird like that.

What do you like in a guy? He has to be funny. He could be the most good-looking guy ever but if he’s not funny, I can’t do it. You have to have a good sense of humour. Honestly, if you can make me laugh, that’s the perfect thing. Also the smile, the eyes, and the smell, as weird as that is. Good cologne is a very good asset.

What’s not attractive in a guy? Being overly confident; that’s just a total turnoff. If you’re just too into yourself and you don’t even really care to hear about other people, I find that not cool at all. It’s a two-way street, give and take. That would be a big no.

Jasmine Williams is a fourth-year Journalism major, pursuing a minor in Film Studies at Carleton University. An internship at a recently launched online magazine prepared her for her new, exciting role as Campus Correspondent for Carleton University. She is never too far away from her iPhone and in her spare time, you can find her scrolling through various tumblr blogs while listening to Kings of Leon. After university, she hopes to pursue a career in online journalism.