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Joëlle Dahan, ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.


Hometown: Ottawa, Ont. 

Major/Year: Second Year/Communication Studies

Relationship Status: In a relationship.

What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?

I’ve been receiving so many amazing messages from people all across Canada since my MuchMusic audition tape was released. A girl sent me this: “I’ve watched some of your interviews and I think you have such a gift for this. You are knowledgeable but also constantly seeking knowledge. It’s really inspiring to see someone stay true to their passions.”

It just felt really nice to know that someone sees my dedication and supports me in following my dreams. It was really nice to hear that from someone who isn’t my mom [laughs]. That was one of the best compliments I’ve ever gotten!

What do you feel is your most attractive feature?

[laughs] What an awkward question to answer about myself! People always tell me I have nice eyelashes, so I guess my eyes?

What are three things on your bucket list?

1. Become a MuchMusic VJ 2. Learn to surf 3. Go on tour.

What do you look for in a guy?

Ambition. I have so many dreams and aspire to do so many things in my life, I want a partner who has ambitions for himself as well.

Who was your first big crush? Did they like you back?

Nick Carter, when I was five years old. Yes, he did like me back.

If you could pick only one to eat for the rest of your life: Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner?

Hmmm… I’d pick lunch since you can pretty much eat anything at lunch time! The options are endless!! The limit does not exist!!! 

What Means Girls-esque “group” did you belong to in high school?

I was a part of many clubs in high school (student council, band class, and the prom committee) all at the same time, but it didn’t really change anything. Everyone was kind of friends with each other.

Pie or Cake?

Can I have both please?!

If you could have any superpower what would it be?

I’ve actually asked myself this before! Any superpower would be pretty cool to have but I think I’d want to be like Mystique in X-Men and be able to change my appearance to whoever I want, whenever I want.

Why do you want to be the next Much Music VJ?

I’ve wanted to be a MuchMusic VJ ever since I was about five years old when I watched MuchMusic for the first time. The Spice Girls were performing and being interviewed on “Live @Much” in 1998. (Yup, I remember!) Music has always been a part of my life. Whether it be playing music or going to concerts, music is in my blood. 

When I was 16, I started interviewing bands at concerts and major music festivals for a blog of mine called “JoEntertainments”. It took a lot of work and a lot of convincing but eventually I started getting more and more interviews with well-known bands. I started doing all of this in the hopes of one day becoming a MuchMusic VJ.

Music and Journalism are my two passions in life. I feel like anyone can be taught to speak on camera and can learn to interview someone, but you can’t teach passion, and thats what I have.

I also have way too much pop culture knowledge in my head and I want to share it with an audience so badly! I know I could work well with MuchMusic and ask relevant questions to artists that fans actually want to know. I also love making people laugh and smile. If I were a MuchMusic VJ, I could make people all across Canada smile and laugh everyday!

Being a MuchMusic VJ is honestly my biggest dream and I feel so confident that I could do a great job at it! I really hope people across the country will see how much I want this and will support me.

What would you do first if you found it you were chosen to be the next VJ?

Probably scream of joy and cry all at once. Give a big hug to whoever decided to hire me, call my mom and then tweet about it.


Wanna vote for Joelle? Go to her VJ Search profile here!

Jasmine Williams is a fourth-year Journalism major, pursuing a minor in Film Studies at Carleton University. An internship at a recently launched online magazine prepared her for her new, exciting role as Campus Correspondent for Carleton University. She is never too far away from her iPhone and in her spare time, you can find her scrolling through various tumblr blogs while listening to Kings of Leon. After university, she hopes to pursue a career in online journalism.