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Jill Krajewski: The Voice of CU Relay for Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.

Third-year journalism and legal studies student at Carleton, Jill Krajewski has long been part of Relay for Life. She began her involvement with the organization at 12 years old.
When she got to Carleton in 2009, Krajewski immediately joined Carleton Relay for Life because she felt, “it was kind of like home” and it was something she was passionate about. Today, Krajewski works as Head of PR for the university’s organization.
Relay for Life is a fundraiser set up by the Canadian Cancer Society. Participants walk in a 12-hour overnight event because, according to Krajewski, “cancer doesn’t sleep, and neither will they.” The event is to celebrate those lost to cancer but also an effort to raise awareness and support for those whose battle is ongoing.
Carleton Relay for Life goes beyond the annual fundraiser, said Krajewski. Events are constantly in motion, with the organizers staging fundraising events and recruitments from September to March.
One of the other events organized by Carleton Relay for Life is the Survivor’s Coffeehouse, which allows people to share their stories or their friends and families’ experiences.
“It’s a really inspiring, empowering event,” Krajewski said.
On a daily basis, as Head of PR for Carleton Relay for Life, Krajewski tweets, updates the organization’s Facebook page and contacts public figures. She adds that her knowledge of journalism has helped her with her various responsibilities and has given her experience with writing press releases.
When writing press releases, Krajewski finds that, “you need to have a sense of how to lead your story, what’s newsworthy and what topical things you can tie a news release to.” 
She is also helping create a video where she films community leaders with the purpose of showing that cancer really does affect everyone. Krajewski has filmed the president of CUSA, the coach of the men’s Raven’s hockey team and fellow students.
“The amount of people in the community who have been affected by cancer is something you don’t think about,” she said. “The stories that they share really show that cancer doesn’t discriminate.”
Krajewski adds that cancer has affected her own family – she lost her grandfather to the disease when she was young and her mother’s best friend has cancer. She recognizes Relay for Life as being “part of a support system” for people who are dealing with cancer in their own lives or in the lives of their families and friends.
Her dedication and hard work with the organization have continued throughout her time at Carleton and Krajewski plans on participating again next year.
As a full-time student, Krajewski already has a busy schedule. Add to that the continuous work involved in being part of Carleton Relay for Life, and her calendar is chalk-full.
“I have a few more all-nighters this year than other years, but in the long run I think it’s really worth it,” she said.
She feels everyone has the ability to speak about cancer, prevent it and become more aware of it. She credits Relay for Life for bringing people together in a display of solidarity and compassion.
When asked what she has taken out of her involvement with Relay for Life, Krajewski pauses, taking a minute to think.
“Through Relay for Life you can see people acting on this relationship that they’ve had with each other but they’ve never really had a chance to express. [It gives] them an opportunity to show solidarity.”

Jasmine Williams is a fourth-year Journalism major, pursuing a minor in Film Studies at Carleton University. An internship at a recently launched online magazine prepared her for her new, exciting role as Campus Correspondent for Carleton University. She is never too far away from her iPhone and in her spare time, you can find her scrolling through various tumblr blogs while listening to Kings of Leon. After university, she hopes to pursue a career in online journalism.