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How to Make the Most Out of Reading Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.

Five full days of freedom. Only one more week of school, stress, midterms, and lectures until Reading Week. For the next two years, Carleton will be testing out the concept of a Fall Reading Week to complement our Spring Break in second semester. So take the week off to kick back, relax, and take advantage of one of the most precious things in the world – time. Consult the list below for ideas on making the best out of your ‘reading’ time.

Note: if you are going into the week with homework or projects try to either complete your tasks on the weekend leading into the break or within the first few days.  – reccomended by your tuition, parents, and your profs.


1. Go On An Adventure

Hang out off campus
So you’re not going home for Reading Week or you live in Ottawa? You know that nice girl you exchange history notes with in class or that one guy that was watching Avengers during class?  Why not ask some school friends who are also staying in town to hang out during the week. Expand your circle of friendship, maybe you’ll make lifelong connections; you’ll never know until you try.

Explore downtown Ottawa
Walk along the canal, appreciate the remainder of the fall leaves and the crisp autumn air; hit up the Byward market; stop in at Zak’s Diner for a milkshake; visit the National Art Gallery; or have a picnic on the grass of Major Hill’s park.

Road trip!
Hop on a greyhound, via-rail or drive down to Montreal – it’s only a few hours away and has so much to offer. Wander through Old Montreal to marvel at the architecture, climb up Mount Royal, or shop on St-Catherine Street. Another great place to check out is the Biodôme which allows you to walk through a “rainforest” and marvel at the monkeys among other creatures and habitats from the wild. Did we mention the nightlife is amazing?

2. Down Time
Settle on the couch with:

A good read
You know that novel on your beside table, the one you throw in your bag every time you go out just in case you have some time – crack it open during the break. Devour those novels!

A DVD boxed set
Marathon your favourite tv show or even better begin that show you’ve wanted to watch because all of your new friends rave about it. *Tip: You can blog, scrapbook or do crafts while watching television if you get bored easily.

3. Your Body is a Temple

You’ve most likely been pulling all nighters, living solely off of coffee cup to coffee cup and pulling your hair out at 3am because your printer ran out of ink.  It’s safe to assume that you probably haven’t been catching as many zzz’s as you should be.  Enjoy this week to sleep in, go to sleep early, or sleep all day if you that’s what tickles your fancy. Your body deserves it!

Bake and enjoy your food
 If your sleep habits have gone down the drain it’s safe to assume your eating habits have reverted to chips, coffee, and anything else you can get late at night that’s quick and easy. Take this time to eat your favourite meals and treat yourself right and splurge on fruit and veggies.  However, do not forget to spoil yourself a little because after all you’ve been through you deserve some chocolate or ice cream. Better yet, bake up a storm with friends with all that extra time on your hands – have your cake, and eat it too!



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I am a third year student double majoring in humanities and English. I love to drink tea, talk to people, and write.