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Fashion Doesn’t Have to be Intimidating

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.

The best thing about fashion is its versatility and how it is constantly changing. No matter what events may be happening around the world, fashion is the one thing that will always remain constant. There are no limits to creativity, which is why fashion is such a thriving industry. From my experience, I find that a lot of people are intimidated by fashion. I’ve been in this position too. There are always those people who are dressed well every day with every item in their outfit complementing one another, and we wonder how they manage to make it look so effortless every single day. They must spend hours a day in order to be up to speed on the latest fashion trends, right?

In reality, it is much simpler than that. The first thing to remember is that there are no concrete set of rules or standards in terms of fashion. Fashion is very much a subjective thing that is more about creativity and self-expression than anything else. It is what makes you comfortable and what makes you feel and look good that is the most important. You don’t need to be wearing five-inch stilettos to work every day to be considered fashionable! All you need to do is take some time to find out what you like, and what your personal style is.


Discover what your style is by taking a look around: read some magazines, look at what you see other people wearing, and try and figure out what inspires you. Do you like to look well put-together every day? Or are you more of a comfortable and casual style type of person?

The next step is to find out what you feel good in. Try some things on, take some risks and try new stores you’ve never been into and see what is out there for you. This may sound like a big time commitment, but it’s easier than you think! The next time you’re out shopping, wander into a store you’ve never been to before. Even if it’s completely different from what you are used to wearing, you could be very surprised by what you find. If you want to be more open to fashion, you have to be more open to change, and change isn’t a bad thing.

The next step, once you know what you are comfortable with, is to build upon your outfit by complementing it with accessories. Anything from your nail polish to rings, bracelets and handbags, can all be considered an accessory. These accessories bring your outfit together, and have the ability to change it drastically as well. If you throw on some gold nail polish with your black pant suit, you’ve already made a different statement, even if it’s as little as nail polish.

At the end of the day, choosing what makes you feel best and what inspires you is the most important. Remember that fashion is not always the daring and controversial things you see on runways, but rather something meant to be a creative outlet of self-expression, and something that you can have fun with!


Picture Sources: http://pinterest.com/search/pi…