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Extreme Couponing: Carleton Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.

You reach into your wallet to pay for your latest shopping spree at Rideau and…what’s this? No crisp twenties lying in wait? Credit card denied?

University life is rough for a modern girl’s budget. Every day there are opportunities to go out for a night on the town, sip a frothy drink at Starbucks, and internet shop-til-you-drop.
But don’t worry! With a few campus money-saving tips—crafted especially for Carleton students—you’ll be able to pay your tuition and give yourself that treat you desperately deserve.

1. Keep an eye on the Student Experience Office

Just by clicking ‘follow’ and ‘like’ on Twitter and Facebook, you can almost automatically start raking in the free things. The Student Experience Office (SEO) at Carleton is amazing for its giveaways. Just last week they were giving out coupons for free BeaverTails if you hiked over to Tory Building before they ran out. In the past few months, you could have snatched coupons for free passes to the Mayfair Theatre, Tim Hortons gift cards, and free cash on your Campus Card if you were one of the lucky few to catch their posts before the rest of Carleton. Remember: free sh*t is good sh*t!

2. Take advantage of FREE athletics classes

Don’t want to pay the $100+ for a gym membership? No one does! That’s why you don’t have to. The department of recreation and athletics at Carleton offers ‘free weeks,’ a sort of open house for students to try out different classes. These usually happen at the beginning of each term, and includes dance, martial arts, cardio, swimming, and tons more.

Also, the SEO hosts the CU Fit @ Night program. These events include yoga and hip hop classes for—that’s right—free! All you need to do is register online.

3. Don’t blow your dough on travel

One of the best ways to save cash while traveling is to have an International Student Identity Card (ISIC). This handy card can save you money off hotels, 25% off Greyhound bus tickets, and if you’re over 26 and with an ISIC card, you pay the cheaper Youth fare for VIA Rail. The best part? They’re free at the CUSA office.
Carleton also has a great discount travel agency on campus in the University Centre called Travel Cuts. You’ll be jetting off to that tropical destination you can now afford in no time.

4. Cheap textbooks are the way to go

It seems that textbooks, along with movie theatre popcorn, are one of the most overpriced things out there. $90 for a sociology textbook? $120 for an engineering book?! Paying full price is ridiculous. Luckily, Carleton has a lot of great ways to save money on books without shelling out hundreds of dollars. The university bookstore has an innovative new program called Rent-A-Text, where you can rent instead of buy your class books for about half price if you have a credit card and are over 18.

In addition, Haven Books down the road on Sunnyside Avenue is an amazing, CUSA-run store where students can consign their textbooks. It’s perfect: you buy texts cheap and can sell them when you’re done to make a profit!

5. Try the RRRA Bikeshare program
Before you go out and buy a pricey bike to get around campus and Ottawa, visit the RRRA office for a unique program where you can borrow a bike for—you guessed it—free. Apart from a $20 deposit which you get back if you return the equipment in proper condition, you can borrow a bike and a helmet anytime during the year. Everyone wants to be environmentally friendly and save money; this program does both!
Remember, along with diamonds, being money-savvy is a girl’s best friend. Be smart and save that dough, Carleton collegiettes!

What are you fave money-saving tips? Leave a comment below!

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Jasmine Williams is a fourth-year Journalism major, pursuing a minor in Film Studies at Carleton University. An internship at a recently launched online magazine prepared her for her new, exciting role as Campus Correspondent for Carleton University. She is never too far away from her iPhone and in her spare time, you can find her scrolling through various tumblr blogs while listening to Kings of Leon. After university, she hopes to pursue a career in online journalism.