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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.

Name: Ellen Cottee
Program: Third year Journalism major, with minors in Political Science and Women and Gender Studies
Relationship status: In a totally awesome relationship with my best friend…as cheesy as that sounds.

When did you realize that journalism was your passion?
Taking a gap year and watching the news all damn day made me want to do it…and I’ve always loved to write. And I’m a huge fan of Lloyd Robertson.

Favourite female writer/journalist?
I’d have to say J.K Rowling. She not only wrote the stories that consumed my entire childhood, but also did it while raising a child in a low-income situation. She got through depression and suicidal feelings to make something so beautiful for the rest of the world. Also, she remains so humble now and is so attached to the characters she created. It’s incredible to see.

What is one film you could watch for the rest of your life?
There are a few, but the top would have to be Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I pick up more and more every time I watch it and it blows my mind while tugging at my heartstrings.

What matters most to you?
It’s cliché, but my family. Without the family support I have, I don’t know where I would be, or if I would even be around. They are the most wonderful people in my life and I am so lucky to have them!

Your top five female icons?
1. Eleanor Roosevelt, because she was a feminist badass and super outspoken about women’s rights.
2. Lily Allen is just the cutest woman and so fierce.
3. My Grandma Marge was political and always stood her ground. She was an amazing woman.
4. Hillary Clinton is another political badass. I love the way she just doesn’t seem to care about what magazines/tabloids have to say about her appearance or her marriage.
5. Frida Kahlo. She was just so amazing in her art and in her resilience.

What is one piece of advice you would give a freshman student?
Everyone is just as scared/nervous/worried/lost as you. They’re just pretending they’re not. You’re not alone.

What are your three favourite restaurants?
– Whalesbone in Ottawa (oysters and good wine!)
– Mandarin (all-you-can-eat seafood)
– I’m a sucker for a good, greasy diner. I like Zak’s, but even more, I like the diners that aren’t trying to be retro…they’re just stuck in the past for some reason!

What is one country you would like to visit?
Ireland. Give me foggy hills and castles over a beach any day.

What is your favourite lyric of all time?
It’s long, but the end from Simon and Garfunkel’s “I Am Rock”:

I have my books/And my poetry to protect me;/I am shielded in my armor,/Hiding in my room, safe within my womb./I touch no one and no one touches me./I am a rock,/I am an island./And a rock feels no pain; And an island never cries.

Samantha Lapierre is a 4th year Communications student at Carleton University! She considers herself the sixth member of the Spice Girls and has an unhealthy love for One Direction, cheese platters and daytime talkshows. One day she hopes to be a television doctor, but for now she is happy to be a contributor for HerCampus Carleton!Tweet her at @samanthamarg