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Connor McGregor, ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.

Name:Connor McGregor
Program/Year: Criminology, 2015
Hometown: Oshawa, ON
Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle ;)

Tell me a little bit about yourself.
I’m an overall easy-going guy who likes to hang out and have fun. I like video games, especially Skyrim and food, a lot. I also like to party.

Tell me something random about you that not many people know.
I really hate when people bite clothing material, like the drawstrings on a sweater. Teeth on clothing just makes me go weird, it’s been like that since I was little.

What compliment do you get most about yourself?
I’d probably have to say that I have nice eyes. I hear that a lot.

What is the first thing you say/do to get a girl’s attention?
I’d probably wink at them or something. Anytime I’ve been out at a club or something and saw a girl I was attracted to, a wink always seems to follow.

Describe your ideal girl.
I’d have to say that my ideal girl is one with some curves, along with a pretty face and nice eyes. Personality wise, a little bit geeky, so liking video games would be great. Also, a girl who is fun to be around, and who is up for adventures and willing to try new things. Having an open mind is important.

What is the cutest thing you’ve done for a girl?
Back in high school, I surprised my girlfriend of a year who went to a different high school by putting flowers and chocolates in her locker, after I had told her that I wouldn’t be able to see her that day.

What flavour of lip gloss do you like best on a girl?
I think it’s an Aquafina brand or something. It has a really cool, minty taste that I really like.

What is your ideal first date?
Definitely out somewhere like Wonderland going on rollercoasters, or watching a good zombie movie.

Where do you see yourself in five or ten years?
This is a question I’ve asked myself a lot lately. I’m looking into becoming a paralegal, and then a lawyer after that.

Describe yourself in three words.
Silly, outgoing, and adventurous.

How has moving away from home changed your relationship with your family?
I’m still really close with my family, maybe more so than I was when I lived at home. I definitely appreciate them more now. I’m a bit of a Momma’s boy, so I definitely appreciate everything my family has done for me.

What is your take on floorcest?
If both of you are willing to face the awkward consequences if it doesn’t work out, then go for it. Just remember if you break up, you don’t want drama to occur.

What is your favourite memory from first year/living in res.
Definitely shaking Spenny’s hand from Kenny vs. Spenny, that was amazing. Also, meeting all the awesome people that I have.

What is your favourite sports team?
The Toronto Maple Leafs. I’m a true Leafer, they’ve always been my team. I wouldn’t be a true fan if I ditched them.

If you had to pick any animal to describe you, what would you pick and why?
Definitely a lion, I like to think of myself as brave and courageous.

Last words for female readers:
Never set anyone as being out of your league or on a pedestal, because anyone can wind up with anyone else regardless of looks or other factors.

Hey ladies, if you wear minty lip gloss, Connor could be interested in a smooch from you! ;)

Jasmine Williams is a fourth-year Journalism major, pursuing a minor in Film Studies at Carleton University. An internship at a recently launched online magazine prepared her for her new, exciting role as Campus Correspondent for Carleton University. She is never too far away from her iPhone and in her spare time, you can find her scrolling through various tumblr blogs while listening to Kings of Leon. After university, she hopes to pursue a career in online journalism.