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Chris Pasco-Pacheco ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.

Hometown: Ottawa, ON
Major/Year: Engineering ‘14
Relationship status: Single and ready to mingle! 

Where is your favourite place to be on campus? Definitely the couches in the Unicentre. If I’m on campus, chances are that’s where I am.

Do you have any hidden talents? I can turn any frown upside down.

Describe the perfect date. The best dates are the unplanned ones where you just go with the flow and see where it takes you.

What do you find sexy? A girl who is truly herself. Also, the perfect ringlet curls in a girl’s hair, love it!

What’s a dating deal breaker for you? When a girl depends on you to feel beautiful.

How do you spend your spare time? I love snowboarding and skidooing! Winter is an awesome season!

What’s the best compliment a woman can give a guy? “You work out right?!”

What do you plan to do after graduation? Saving the world… with Max St-Jacques.

Turn on/Turn off in a girl? What turns me on are hot girls wearing Lululemons. And a turn-off are girls wearing Lululemons that shouldn’t be.

Best pick up line? “You have a boyfriend? How ’bout a Manfriend?”

Pet peeve? When people say they’re “board” [instead of  bored].  

Wanna snatch an athletic and aspiring engineer who has the gift of turning frowns upside down? Perfect those curls and wear some lululemons to grab his attention when you walk by the couches in the Unicentre.

Elizabeth is a fourth year Communications major at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario. In addition to her editor and writer positions at Her Campus Carleton, she enjoys volunteering at Rogers Television studio as a Producer’s Assistant and Floor Director for Daytime Ottawa. she enjoys her weekly soccer games and gym time which keeps her fit as a fiddle and out of trouble. Elizabeth is fond of silver linings and a true believer in the Law of Attraction, and is a lucid dreamer with the hope to enlighten your minds with her writing.
Jasmine Williams is a fourth-year Journalism major, pursuing a minor in Film Studies at Carleton University. An internship at a recently launched online magazine prepared her for her new, exciting role as Campus Correspondent for Carleton University. She is never too far away from her iPhone and in her spare time, you can find her scrolling through various tumblr blogs while listening to Kings of Leon. After university, she hopes to pursue a career in online journalism.