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Caroline Damiani ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.

Hometown: Montreal, QC
Major/Year: Psychology ’14
Relationship Status: Single

How would you describe your personality? Fun, bubbly, nice and genuine.

What do you find sexy in a guy? Eyes and smile are the first things I notice. And then personality-wise it would have to be brains and humour.

What’s not attractive in a guy? Someone who takes themselves too seriously and who is too into themselves and is not open and caring about others.

Do you have any siblings? I have two older brothers. I am very protected. They’re always there for me, they love their little sister. But they also make me tough; they taught me how to stick up for myself. Especially when I was in high school and they had both graduated and they definitely helped me out with that. They helped me become the person I am really.

If a boy crossed the line, would they make sure he never did it again by visiting his house? [Laughs] They would want to be. But deep down, they would be with me and just consoling me and taking care of me more than going and beating him up. But deep down that is what they would want to do.

Describe a good first date.The typical movie and a dinner thing. So you get to know each other and talk and see if you’re compatible and then a movie to make it more fun and end on a lighter note.

What was the best date you have ever been on? When my ex-boyfriend and I celebrated our two year anniversary. He took me everywhere we had never been.  We went bowling at different bowling lanes downtown and then we went shopping at different stores I had never been to and really spoiled me. And so we did everything we hadn’t done but wanted to. 

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?I would hopefully like to be in a stable relationship, very committed. I will have a big job, a career so I will be able to buy a house. I will be 25 so done school for sure.

Would you live in Ottawa?I would move for a guy if it was serious and it would depend on a job because I would move for a job definitely.

What’s your favorite thing about Carleton University? The tunnels [laughs]. I love the fact that when it’s cold and snowing or raining we don’t have to go outside and it’s so convenient! I always make fun of my Ottawa U friends complaining about it being cold outside because we don’t have to deal with those things.

Why psychology? As long as I can remember my friends, or even those that I wasn’t that close to, came to me when they needed someone to talk to. I have always been a good listener. I love helping people and giving them advice or even letting them vent because sometimes people don’t necessarily need advice they just need someone to talk to. So I have always been that person for a lot of people and psychology seemed like the natural path to go to.

Is there something that makes you unique? I am just an average girl. I do what I can. I don’t want to think that I am the only one with a big heart and likes to help people; I like to think that a lot of people are like that. I don’t want to think that the world is full of evil people. 

Jasmine Williams is a fourth-year Journalism major, pursuing a minor in Film Studies at Carleton University. An internship at a recently launched online magazine prepared her for her new, exciting role as Campus Correspondent for Carleton University. She is never too far away from her iPhone and in her spare time, you can find her scrolling through various tumblr blogs while listening to Kings of Leon. After university, she hopes to pursue a career in online journalism.