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There’s Nothing Wrong with Sexy Halloween Costumes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal U chapter.

There has always been a debate on whether it is acceptable to dress “sexy” (some would say slutty) on Halloween. As a woman who doesn’t want to be seen just as a body I have grappled with this issue myself quite often. Am I abandoning my morals by catering to what men want to see? Am I putting feminism back a few years? But it’s my body and if I choose to show it off a little bit on Halloween what’s the harm?


There is a bit of ridiculousness in the way that pretty much every costume made for women is sexed up but there is no reason that a girl should be made to feel bad about deciding to dress in a way that makes her feel good about herself. One of the merits of Halloween is that it is a chance to dress up and virtually be someone else for a day. If you don’t usually dress in a revealing manner it can be nice to go out and “sex it up” for a night. Dressing up in a way that you may not normally will probably give you an unexpected confidence boost!

On the other hand, there is no reason to feel like you need to be half naked to successfully celebrate Halloween…some of the best costumes I’ve seen are homemade costumes that people really put their imagination into.

You’re no less of a feminist for covering up or for wearing not much at all. Don’t pick out your costume to fit in, but pick the costume that will make you feel the best about yourself.  And let’s all try not to judge the girls who are choosing to flaunt what they have because really what harm is it doing?  


My name is Kelsey Haught and I'm an English major with a concentration in literature at California University of Pennsylvania. This is my first year writing for HerCampus and I am very excited to be a part of the team!
I am a undergraduate student, seeking a B.A. in English, concentrating in Journalism and Creativing Writing. I am the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at California University of Pennsylvania (Cal U). I am the Social Media Officer for Alpha Lambda Delta. Additionally, I manage the social media for Cal U's Women's Studies Program where I am a work study student. I am a staff writer for the Cal Times and I also write frequently for Her Campus at Cal U. In the past, I have worked as a Social Media Consultant Intern with Someone To Tell It To, a non-profit organization based in Harrisburg, PA.