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An Open Letter to Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal U chapter.

Dear Me,

You are so incredibly beautiful – inside and out.

I just wanted you to know that first, because it’s true. I also want you to read this when you think life gets too hard, when people make you feel less than yourself and when you’re losing faith in yourself. I hope you realize how amazing you are.

Those magazines you read, don’t believe everything in them. The models you compare yourself to, please don’t. They are photoshopped, not real. They have flaws that are hidden beneath the makeup and spray tan.  And why would you want to be flawless anyways? You should be you – unique, different and beautiful. It’s tiresome trying to keep up with standards of society. There is no one like you in the world. Your body shape and size doesn’t matter because your heart is what matters. Who you are is important and although you are absolutely gorgeous on the outside, you are just as stunning on the inside. So eat that second donut and have seconds, or even thirds at dinner. What others may think is just jealousy of how confident you are.

If you do want to change the way you live and the way you look, that’s okay too. But do it for you. Never let society’s standards make you pick your style of clothing and the makeup you wear or what your body should look like. If you want to wear that baggy t-shirt with your jeans and beat up sneakers, you wear it with pride. Or if you want to wear that crop top and tights with those black heels, more power to you. Because it’s all about you, sweetheart. Never base your choices on someone else. Never dress to impress anyone other than yourself. Most importantly don’t change yourself for a boy. There is more to you than fashion and beauty, like your creative and thoughtful mind, and the nurturing heart of yours. If he can’t love and accept you for who you are, how you look, or what you think, then he is not the one you need in your life. Never ever, darling, let a boy determine your worth or your beauty.

In the end school is not everything, don’t let it stress you out. And don’t let IQ or GPA determine your worth or how smart you are. There is more to you than grades. They don’t define you, so don’t let them control you. Try your best, that’s all I ask of you to do. The pressure to be smarter than someone else means nothing once graduation comes around, it will be just a piece of your history. You are in school to get an education and learn, having that degree in your hand will be worth the hard work that you have accomplished, all for you.

Remember how incredible you are. How brave you are to live in a world that wants to make you just like everyone else, but you take a stand to be yourself. I cannot tell you how much you are loved, how much you are cherished, and as always, how beautiful you are. Chin up, sweetheart, this is a battle worth fighting.

I love you.

Love always, Me

I am a undergraduate student, seeking a B.A. in English, concentrating in Journalism and Creativing Writing. I am the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at California University of Pennsylvania (Cal U). I am the Social Media Officer for Alpha Lambda Delta. Additionally, I manage the social media for Cal U's Women's Studies Program where I am a work study student. I am a staff writer for the Cal Times and I also write frequently for Her Campus at Cal U. In the past, I have worked as a Social Media Consultant Intern with Someone To Tell It To, a non-profit organization based in Harrisburg, PA.