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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State LA chapter.

Every time classes get tough, work gets heavy, and life in general brings you down, the best thing you can possibly do to feel better is watch movies that inspire you. Since fashion is a big topic for most of us, it’s likely that these 10 movies will get you back up on your feet, or for that matter, strutting down the street.




30’s inspired fashion everywhere! Maybe not the most accurate portrayal of costume for the time, but definitely very couture-like.



The Great Gatsby


This very popular movie was major cause of excitement last year. Again, not the exact portrayal of costume in the 20’s, but definitely got the zeitgeist taking place.





“As if?” Isn’t the only popular catch in this movie! Fashion isn’t only about following trends; it’s also about imposing them as well.


Sex and The City


Head to toe designer-wear everywhere. You can wear all the designer labels you want, but without a kick ass confident personality, it’s as if you never wore it in the first place.




Breakfast At Tiffany’s


Without a doubt, this is the go-to movie for fashion inspiration. Stay classy, Cal State LA!



Funny Face


Another of Hepburn’s movies, and probably the one filled with the most fashion. Emerge yourself in this movie with your girlfriends for a fun time.



The September Issue


Want a real look into the fashion world? This is what to watch. This documentary gives you the 101 on what it is to work with Anna Wintour, and celebrate the hard work of putting together a September Issue.



There’s no one better than Jane Fonda to capture the transition of the 60s to the 70s.  This sci-fi movie is visually stimulating every minute of the film, and countless designers have take inspiration from this film.


The Devil Wears Prada

Last but not least, the one and only The Devil Wears Prada. With such amazing costuming from designers around the world, it is not even necessary to say that this was one of the most expensively costumed movies in cinema history. 

Roxana is a Senior at California State University, Los Angeles majoring in Fashion Merchandising and is in process of completing three other certificates: Retailing, Marketing, and Social Media. She is a fashion columnist for the campus newspaper, University Times, and is the former President of the Fashion Association of Design Students. As a fashion enthusiast, she follows countless numbers of blogs and magazines, loves food and cooking, dancing Latin music, and spending time with her family and friends.
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Yzzy Gonzalez

Cal State LA

Yzzy (real name Ysabel, for the record) is obsessed with a myriad of things, including Inception, traveling, Downtown LA, and laser tagging. Majoring in Television, Film and Media and a lover of creative writing, Yzzy is torn between visual storytelling and using a whole bunch of words. Twitter: @yzzygonzalez