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Amy Gonzalez ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State LA chapter.

Name: Amy Gonzalez

Age: 21

Year: Senior

Major: Child Development

Relationship Status: In a relationship

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Happy, passionate, relaxed!

What do you like most about Cal State LA?

I like the class schedule (Monday/Wednesday, Tuesday/Thursday), the times (1:30, 4:20), and the teachers!

What does your daily routine look like?

Wake up. Go to school. Go home. Take a nap. Make food. Run errands (if I have any). Do homework/study. Take a shower. Go to sleep.

What do you see yourself in 5 years?

In 5 years, I will be very happy in my career working in an elementary school or preschool or day care center/ Probably no kids but I’ll be in a long term relationship and I’ll probably have an apartment and just be working full-time.

What is your favorite place in the city?

The beach! Hermosa Beach because it’s relaxing and beautiful and it just clears my mind.

What is something interesting about you?

I had a Disney pass for two years and I went at least twice a month for two years straight.

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

That’s such a hard question because I’m such a foodie and I don’t even have a favorite food! 

Biggest turn on and turn off?

Turn on: Ambition

Turn off: Cigarettes 

Dream big. What is your ultimate goal in life?

To be truly happy in my career and enjoy going to work everyday. I don’t want to see it as a job, more as a fun hobby I get paid for. And to be able to afford anything I want comfortably! 

If you could live anywhere in the world. where would it be?

I haven’t traveled much but I want to say Hawaii because it’s beautiful and tropical and I love pretty sunsets.

If you could listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

It would be one of my childhood church songs because every time I’m stressed or going through a hard time or need a break, I listen to one of the church/worship songs and feel so much better. 

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Yzzy Gonzalez

Cal State LA

Yzzy (real name Ysabel, for the record) is obsessed with a myriad of things, including Inception, traveling, Downtown LA, and laser tagging. Majoring in Television, Film and Media and a lover of creative writing, Yzzy is torn between visual storytelling and using a whole bunch of words. Twitter: @yzzygonzalez