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7 Things You Miss About Being a Child During Christmas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State LA chapter.

1. Waking up super early to open gifts 

2. Not caring about any other present unless it was a toy

3. Actually believing in Santa Claus 

4. Counting your presents underneath the tree

5. The fear of actually not getting anything for Christmas because you were “naughty”

6. Making Christmas cookies for Santa 


7. Getting to open one present on Christmas Eve

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Deidra Brown

Cal State LA

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Yzzy Gonzalez

Cal State LA

Yzzy (real name Ysabel, for the record) is obsessed with a myriad of things, including Inception, traveling, Downtown LA, and laser tagging. Majoring in Television, Film and Media and a lover of creative writing, Yzzy is torn between visual storytelling and using a whole bunch of words. Twitter: @yzzygonzalez