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The Home Stretch: Getting Through Finals Week

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State Chico chapter.

As we head into arguably one of the most stressful and difficult weeks of the semester, I find that sometimes we just need some words of motivation and encouragement to get through it!

School is hard

Let me emphasize that! Finals week is hard. A lot of the time, grades ride on the success or failure of a final exam or final project. I know that I have a class or two that I’m struggling in and need to do exceptionally well on my final in order to achieve the grade I want. Putting that kind of pressure on yourself causes a lot of stress and anxiety, and I know those feelings surround the idea of finals week in general. 

If you’re needing a little motivation to get through this week, here you have it – you got this! It’s easy to get caught up in the stress of things and not take a minute to sit back and reflect. It’s easy to forget that they are just classes. It’s okay to not get a perfect grade. I have had to tell myself that over and over again. Just remember that this week will pass, and it’s not the end of the world (even though sometimes it may feel like it). 

As a burnt out, ex-high school straight-A student, I have finally realized that it’s okay to not get an A in a class. It’s a hard lesson to learn, but it’s okay to not have the grades you had in high school. College is hard! The workload is intense, and the grading is difficult. Making it this far is an accomplishment in itself. You should be proud of the work that you have put in, and the work that you will continue to put into your school work.

Don’t be afraid to ask for extra help, a squeezed-in study sesh with friends, or for a quick meeting with your professors. I think a lot of professors can and are sympathetic to the fact that this is a really hard time for us. Utilize the de-stressing events on campus, take advantage of the things that you pay for, like the Well and the WREC to help you get a break when you need it! Although there are no classes this week, you can still go and get some stress relief from working out, running, or listening to a podcast while hot girl walking. 

The Chico State Announcements page offers events going on around campus and other activities that may be helpful to destress a little bit! Check it out and take advantage of those things! 


At the end of every semester, I always take the time to reflect on what I did that worked for me, and what I did that didn’t. This semester involved a lot of huge shifts for me as this is my first semester living fully in Chico. I made lots of decisions – I decided I wanted to rush a sorority in the spring, and I took more units than I have before. I can say that this semester wasn’t easy, and the work was hard, but overall I had a great sixteen weeks and it truly could not have gone any better for me. So, here’s to this semester, and here’s to making the next one even better! I wish you all the best of luck on your finals and hope that this week has as minimal stress as possible!

McKenzie Kirsch

Cal State Chico '25

McKenzie (Kenzie) Kirsch is a third-year at Chico State, studying English Education in hopes of being an English teacher. She likes having fun and is also very serious about her studies as well. She is originally from a small town in Northern California called Wheatland, about 30 minutes north of Sacramento, CA. She loves the community of Chico and is very happy to be spending her college years here. Outside of school, she likes to bake, read and write, workout and hike! Chico is the perfect place to explore and meet new people. She is so excited to be a member of Her Campus and continue her writing journey!