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Your Guide For Mother’s Day Gifts

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State Chico chapter.

With Mother’s Day being just a few weeks away, you may be wondering what you could possibly give her to say thanks for all that she’s done. Giving back to the women in your life is such a beautiful thing that shows the love and support you have for each and every one them.

Here are a few starter packs that could possibly aid you in finding your mom or mother-figure the perfect gift.

The gardening mom:

Is one of your mom’s favorite hobbies gardening? Many people find gardening to be a relaxing hobby that’s very rewarding. Whether it’s vegetables or just flowers, here are a few things that could possibly be gifted to your mom to assist her in her hobby.

  • A pack of seeds (vegetables or flowers), curated to her liking
  • Homemade painted pots
  • A watering can which can be customized and painted as well, to add a personal touch
  • A cute gardening hat to keep the rays away
  • A gardening tool set (these can be bought new or even found at thrift stores!)

The working mom:

Is your mom always busy at work, or in the office? Working is such a gratifying responsibility that so many people take on each and every day. Yet, working can wear a person down, making them need time to rewind and relax. Here are a few things that could help ease the stress that work puts on her. 

  • A cute notebook/journal
  • A bottle of wine with a cute customized wine glass
  • A robe for relaxation
  • Massage coupons (You can make your own massage coupons for your mom for her to use whenever she wants!!)
  • New slippers to take a break from her clunky, uncomfy work shoes

The cooking mom:

Is your mom always in the kitchen? Is she always experimenting with new recipes? Cooking is such a popular hobby that so many people partake in. It not only is fulfilling in the end, but it allows for creative freedom and relaxation as well. Here are a few things that could up your mom’s cooking game.

  • A cute and unique heat mat for all her pots and pans!
  • A customized apron
  • A new set of spatulas in her favorite color!
  • A cute set of measuring cups
  • A customized set of plates or cups (there are places where you can paint on pottery and they will fire it for you or you can purchase a set online and do it in your own home!)

The carpool mom:

Is your mom always giving your siblings and all their friends rides? Being a carpool mom is amazing yet exhausting, you’re always at every event and making sure all your passengers are where they need to be in a timely manner. Here are a few things that could ease the stress of being a superhero mom. 

  • A car snack box (full of everyone’s favorite snacks)
  • A cute tote bag to carry all her carpool necessities
  • First Aid Kit (in case anyone gets hurt on the go)
  • Aux cord to satisfy all her carpoolers’ music needs
  • A customized to-go coffee cup (that fits in the cupholder) to keep her energized all day.

I hope some of these “starter packs,” sparked some ideas for potential Mother’s Day gifts, to commemorate all that they’ve done for you.

To my mom: I love you forever Mama, thank you for all that you do to support me every single day. I couldn’t imagine a life without you. You’re my daily inspiration and I hope to be as awesome of a mother as you are to my future children! <3

Taylor Wagner

Cal State Chico '24

Taylor is currently a fourth year student at Chico State expecting to graduate in Spring 2024. She is an English education major with a double minor in creative writing and secondary language, she is also working towards her editing and publishing certificate as well. Taylor has been on the dean's list for five semesters at Chico and is also a current member of the greek organization Sigma Kappa. Taylor has many passions including the environment and writing! In her free time you will catch her hanging out with friends, making food, sitting down to read a book or working out. She loves staying active and meeting new people. Taylor is originally from Encinitas, California, a city in San Diego county. After college she hopes to become a high school English teacher. Yet, to begin that journey she wants to move back to her home base and get her teaching credential, then to a larger city shortly after to get her Masters.