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Matched on Tinder, Now What? Five Fun First Date Ideas To Do Around Chico

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State Chico chapter.

We all know the struggle of coming up with date ideas (especially first dates). You don’t want to do any activities that are too crazy, but if you are anything like me, you find the classic dinner and a movie dates kind of awkward and a little overdone. Luckily, there are a ton of ways to get creative while also getting to know your date around Chico!

Drive-In & Ice Cream:

Meriam Park is a newly developed spot that won’t fail to provide the perfect vibes for a date night. The drive-in theater is a great way to chat and get to know your date, and the movie can help fill in those sometimes awakrd gaps of silence. Bring snacks from home, or grab them from the snack bar right at the entrance at the Meriam Barn! Afterwards, you can hit the new ice cream spot, Savor, to keep the good vibes going. With a large range of dairy-free and regular options, you will both be sure to find a yummy flavor to indulge in.

Coin-Op Game Night:

For a light-hearted and fun night with a little friendly competition, head to the Coin-Op! Start off the night hitting the bar for some drinks. Whether it’s a “Princess Peach” or a “Rocket Fuel” slushie, it will be sure to energize you before the real fun starts. Be sure to bring your quarters for some skeeball and basketball! Competition always brings out someone’s fun side and can make for a great activity to do while also getting to know each others’ personalities better.

belly and conrad playing basketball on the boardwalk in the summer i turned pretty season 2
Erika Doss/Prime Video

The Farmer’s Market:

Okay, I know what you’re thinking. While heading to the Saturday morning farmer’s market might initially sound like an underwhelming date, the farmer’s markets in Chico are actually very lively, filled with people walking around and talking and even food trucks and live music. The Thursday night markets during the summer months are even more ideal. With bands and magicians, there is plenty to do and see. Stop for samples of locally made snacks, grab a shaved ice, and enjoy the live music downtown. This date is a great optionto walk around and have time to get to know one another, while also being able to stop and shop locally! And who knows, maybe they will buy you some flowers!

Hike & Picnic:

Most people would agree that in Chico, hiking is one of the most popular activities to do here, or at least the most talked about. If you love being outdoors, a hiking date is such a great way to get active while also being able to keep a conversation going. Show off your adventurous side hiking up Monkey Face or stroll through Lower Bidwell to keep the vibes light and fun. Even better, grab coffee before for some energy, or stop by the New Earth Market for some delicious sandwiches to bring for a picnic. Find a shady spot to stop and refuel, while (hopefully) enjoying the company of your date!

Sunset Drive and Stargazing:

Nothing beats a sunset drive, listening to music, and getting to be a passenger princess. This date is the ideal way to get to know someone (and their music taste), all while enjoying the views. Blast music, roll the windows down, and enjoy! There are lots of ways to get creative with this date like grabbing takeout to enjoy at a lookout point, stopping somewhere after the sunset to stargaze, or just being spontaneous and seeing where the night takes you!

Anna Schultz-Looking Out Window Road Trip
Anna Schultz / Her Campus
Elizabeth Morales

Cal State Chico '24

Elizabeth Morales is so excited to be a part of this new chapter of Her Campus, serving as Director of Administration. She is a senior at Chico State majoring in Political Science - Legal Studies and Criminal Justice. Elizabeth is hoping to go to law school post-grad! She is in Alpha Delta Pi, currently working as the Director of Public Relations and has loved having the opportunity to gain experience with marketing and graphic design. She is excited to continue this experience through Her Campus and is so grateful to be apart of a community of like-minded individuals bringing fun content and bonds to our cute little town!