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Teacher Appreciation Week: Ways To Appreciate Your Instructors

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State Chico chapter.

Nearing the end of the semester, it’s that time of year we begin to say thanks to our teachers. As the daughter of a teacher and a future teacher myself, I’ve seen every type of gift possible. Gift cards, candles, chocolates, and so much more. All of those are great and are so appreciated, but I think we have more candles in our house than we do specks of dust. I know, you don’t have to get your teachers anything. And that’s fine! But there’s also things you can do simply just to appreciate your teachers, whether it’s Teacher Appreciation Week or not. Most teachers work so hard all year to give us a good education, that it feels only right to return the favor.

What’s nice about doing things to appreciate your teachers is that you don’t have to drop a million dollars! What I’ve noticed about most teachers is that they tend to say some of their favorite things throughout the school year, that you can always bring up that you like or have heard of whatever it may be. I promise, one of the things teachers appreciate the most is that fact that someone is paying attention. This is especially true with college professors, where I feel like class feels optional a lot of the time. I know I’ve felt that, for sure. So even something as simple as just staying alert and making sure they know you’re paying attention is going to show that you appreciate their class. I know that’s something I’ve been shooting to try this semester. Plus, it also just helps you learn better. Sometimes, it’s the simple little things that really make a teacher feel seen and heard. After all, your teacher is a person, too. Taking the time to show you’ve been listening can make a world of difference.

If you’re really just not down to pay attention in class, you can always handmake them a card/letter telling them how much you appreciate all their hard work this semester or year. They’ll definitely love the time you took to put in the effort to write or make something like that! Even just shooting them a quick email telling them how much you’ve enjoyed their class and how much you’ve learned will make their day, especially with evaluations coming up. Even if it’s not for your favorite class, that professor also deserves some love.

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Original Photo by Stephanie Zengler

If you’re willing to drop more of a bag, you can always go and ask them what some of their favorite things are and get them! Whether it be favorite flowers, tv show, book or whatever else, they will definitely love the time you took and money spent on getting them something that they love. You could also get them a food basket, as I know I always get excited when my mom gets one of those from some of her students. Whatever it may be, just knowing that you took the time to go out and buy them something will touch their heart. Of course, there are teachers you may not like…and that’s ok. No one is forcing you to get them or any of your teachers gifts! It’s just a nice, thoughtful gesture for someone who works so hard all year to make sure you’re getting the best education you could get.

No matter what you may do this Teacher’s Appreciation Week, just making sure to acknowledge the hard work each teacher puts into their job is crucial. Even just a simple “thank you” at the end of class may be more praise and recognition than they’ve gotten all year. Being a teacher of any kind, isn’t easy. Think of all the tests, projects, and homework they have to grade in order to make sure their students are succeeding. After all, that’s all most teachers really want in the end. You’re teachers helped shape you into who you are today, so make sure to show them some love this week!

Zoey Dennis

Cal State Chico '25

Zoey is a Senior here at Chico State! She is a Liberal Studies major who would love to teach high school history. She has always loved writing and teaching, and Her Campus is such a great outlet! In her free time, she loves to go out with her friends, spend time with family, listen to music, and enjoys exploring Chico.