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A Few Things Your Mother May Not Have Told You

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State Chico chapter.

In honor of International Women’s Day approaching on March 8, this piece is dedicated to our greatest heroes: our mothers. Many of our mothers’ acts of love go unseen. We all realize that there is so much they do for us when we are not around, however, most of these things you may never realize because our mothers do not ask for credit or recognition. This past weekend, I asked my mom to share some of the things she’s experienced through being a mother that she’s never directly told me. By speaking to her, I gathered what I thought were the most impactful points.

You are her greatest gift

From the moment you entered her life, you became your mother’s greatest treasure. You give her a purpose that is far different from her other life accomplishments. Watching you learn, take on challenges, and even make mistakes brings her joy in knowing that you’re simply growing up. It’s also the reason she insists on taking pictures of every little thing you do.

She’s saved your childhood artwork and accomplishments

Even with all the mess and distractions we’re faced with in life, your mom has made sure to safely put away even your simplest finger paintings. To her, these are symbols of your innocence and childhood. Something she must hold onto tightly in a world that can be unforgiving.  

She’s suffered in silence to know that you are comfortable

This refers to all the things you were around for, but might not remember. Late nights staying up when you were sick, squeezing into your twin-size bed to read you a story, or working extra hours to save up money during the holidays. Our mothers are constantly putting our peace before their own. Today, these sacrifices might look like late nights worrying that you’re safe or taking time off work to visit you at college. But to her, these sacrifices are entirely worth it to see you happy.

She thinks about you every day

You are the first thing she thinks of when she finds herself in the quiet moments of the day, whether she’s waiting in line at the store or watering the plants in your front yard. Her heart skips a beat when she realizes she hasn’t called you in several days because she’s been so busy. She looks for you in the little details of life. At the end of the day, you hold her favorite moments and memories.

No matter what your relationship with your mother is like, you may find yourself experiencing motherhood one day and needing someone to relate to. Hopefully, this article paints the picture of a mother’s perspective for you and reminds you to appreciate the mother figure in your life, and for all she does that goes unseen. This International Women’s Day, I encourage you to call your mom and tell her how grateful you are for her strength and dedication in raising you.

Simone Bryant

Cal State Chico '26

Simone is a second-year student at Chico State University and the VP of Event Management for Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. She is majoring in Business Administration with a minor in English and a pathway minor in Diversity Studies. Simone grew up in Sacramento, CA, where she visits often to see friends and family. She attended Rio Americano High School up until her Sophomore year, then Del Oro High School where she graduated from in 2022. Simone played lacrosse and soccer throughout high school and volunteered at an animal health center outside of her hometown. On her free time Simone loves traveling and spending time with her friends and family. She plans to study abroad in Europe with her roommates the fall semester of her Senior year. Aside from this, she also has avid interest in topics such as wellness, fashion and interior design. Simone loves showcasing her creativity and personality through her writing. She's been passionate about writing for as long as she can remember. She is so excited to be a part of the Her Campus team and enhance her skills even further.