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7 Unique ‘Experience’ Gifts to Give This Holiday Season

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State Chico chapter.

Being a good gift giver is seriously one of the highest compliments in my book. In the art form that is gift giving, it takes an extreme amount of thoughtfulness and love to put the commercial, material products and knickknacks aside and get someone something that’s unique and personal to them. With that said, what’s better than ditching the endless scrolling through gift ideas and instead gifting the person you love with the perfect experience gift! Whether it’s for a last-minute gift idea or for the person who already has everything, experience gifts are the absolute best route for you and your loved one this Christmas. As much as I love a good Laneige lip mask or Sol De Janiero body mist set, it’s the memories that last a lifetime! 

1. Concert or show

Some of the best memories I’ve ever made have been seeing my favorite artists in concert. Surprising your best friend, sibling, parent, significant other, or anyone else you love in your life with concert tickets will definitely make for an experience they’ll never forget. If they’re a big time concert-goer, it could even be fun to get them a concert-tracker journal or notebook to savor these amazing memories!

2. Book an Airbnb

Whether it be for a vacation or staycation in your own city, booking an Airbnb for a weekend away from reality is a great choice for a gift. There are even features on the Airbnb website that show you all the different kinds of unique, funky homes you can stay in. Who wouldn’t want to stay in a treehouse or a home in a cave for a few nights? 

3. Spa Day

As for something I’m personally considering treating myself and my mom to, a spa day is a great option for anyone who might need a day off for some self care (and with finals season approaching, is probably you!). Any day that’s full of massages, hair treatments, facials, and mani-pedis is a day you can count me in for! 

4. Paint class or At-home Paint night

One of my personal favorite forms of self care is through a good old-fashioned paint night with my besties. Paint and sips are often held at cafes and bars and are a great option for the creative people in your life! If this is a bit too out of your budget, craft stores like Michael’s, Joann’s, and Hobby Lobby always have great deals on paint supplies like canvases, brushes, and paints. Pair that with a mini charcuterie board and if you’re 21 or older, your favorite cheap wine, and you’re good to go for the perfect at-home paint night!

5. pottery class

Going along with the creative vibe, a pottery class is another unique idea for an experience present. With pottery being a more different kind of creative outlet, it could be fun to try something you might’ve never done before or want to improve on. 

6. Celebrity Video Message

Give your loved one something they will truly have and cherish forever! Sign on to cameo.com and search up their favorite celebrity for a personalized video message. The look on their face will be priceless when Sammi Sweetheart from Jersey Shore or Murr from Impractical Jokers shows up on their screen.  

7. wine tasting

With Napa, CA only a couple hours away from our little college town, a quick getaway to wine country would make for the most amazing memories you may or may not end up remembering! Wine tasting is a great way to figure out what you like if you’re someone who just turned 21, or could just make for a fun excuse to try something new! 

Bella Puljiz

Cal State Chico '24

Bella is currently a fourth-year student at California State University, Chico, who is thrilled to be a part of their emerging Her Campus chapter! She is pursuing a psychology major along with a double minor in child development in family relations, hoping to continue her education post-grad in a masters program in School Psychology. Along with being a member of Her Campus, Bella also is a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority, part of the honors program at Chico State, works at The Well on campus, and has interned in multiple elementary schools. Through experiences and knowledge she has acquired during her time in these extracurriculars, she has gained a huge passion for mental health advocacy and awareness, even driving her to become the Wellness Specialist of Alpha Delta Pi. In her free time, Bella enjoys going to concerts, cooking, trying new restaurants, being outside, and traveling whenever she gets the chance to! While navigating all her options post-grad, she believes in the importance of self-care and finding creative outlets, and is excited to be writing for Her Campus to do so around such like-minded, empowering women!