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January is Stalking Awareness Month

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

Everyone deserves to feel safe without the suspicion of being watched or followed. Stalking is a serious issue that occurs even today, with our own Cal Poly campus having a shocking stalking rate of 18%. Cal Poly’s Safer advocates for Stalking Action Month with activities happening throughout the month that help raise awareness and educate students. Some of these campaigns include zoom panels, movies, and informational booths. 

Uncomfortable to walk somewhere by yourself? You are not alone. While stalking or any form of domestic violence is never the victim’s fault, there are a few steps you can take to help you feel safer:

  • Have a phone on you at all times. 
  • Have access to pepper spray to protect yourself.
  • Be constantly aware of your surroundings. Look side to side and behind you every few minutes. 
  • Let someone know where you are and when you should be at your destination. 
  • Take a self defense class.
  • If walking at night, walk on the more lit side of the street
  • If you sense you are being followed, try to get to a public area and stay there until you can get help. 

Stalking is an issue that has been ongoing for many years. There are useful resources provided by campus and other agencies to try and help this problem.



Stalking is a very serious issue, and if you are currently in this situation, there are resources to help you. 

Clare Zianno

Cal Poly '24

Hi everyone!! I am a 4th year English major at Cal Poly, editorial staff member at CP Her Campus, and love everything and anything pop culture.