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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

Many of us practice New Year’s resolutions. While some popular ones are hitting  the gym more or saying yes to more outings, I think a simple resolution everyone can partake in is to be a little kinder.

I feel myself and I notice others sometimes forgetting about leading a life with kindness. Kindness is a special behavior. It doesn’t cost you anything and chances are you feel better about yourself the kinder you are to the world. Too many times we are tempted to take the easy way out which might not be the right decision, but by choosing kindness, you better yourself and someone else.

I know it’s a cliche but here are a few easy ways you can choose kindness everyday: 

  1. Smile (back) at a person you pass when walking around campus
  2. If you see someone from class, say hey (you know how good it feels to be recognized) 
  3. Be a better roommate (take out the trash, clean the bathroom, compliment your mate)
  4. Be kind to yourself! (you deserve that self-care night – treat yourself!)
  5. Text your friends or family something positive
  6. Use manners (I know, I know, but this can be easily forgotten)
  7. Be kind to mother Earth and soak up her sunshine or pick up some litter
  8. Do something for someone else
  9. Be a listener instead of a talker
  10. Offer a ride to someone
  11. Have a little extra patience with people
  12. Text the friend you haven’t spoken to in a while on their birthday
  13. Be helpful not hurtful

Keep up the good work! 

Clare Zianno

Cal Poly '24

Hi everyone!! I am a 4th year English major at Cal Poly, editorial staff member at CP Her Campus, and love everything and anything pop culture.