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How to Recover from Being Sick

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

It’s that time of year when everyone seems to be getting sick. The Health Center is full of coughing, sniffling people all waiting to get better. Classes seem emptier as students are forced to stay home because of the cold or flu. Hopefully, with these few pointers, you can make a quick recovery.

1. Be sure to go to the doctor if you have more than the common cold. They will know exactly what you need for a swift rebound. Missing days of classes isn’t an option.

2. Drink lots of water. Seriously, fill up your water bottle right now.

3. Wash your hands frequently. Lose as many germs as possible and stop the spread.

4. Clean up. Wipe down all surfaces in your room. Literally everything is fair game for germs, so scrub those door handles, light switches and desk. It’s also a good idea to wash your bed sheets, especially your pillowcase. And throw out your old toothbrush and treat yourself to a new, germ-free one.

5. Eat healthy. It’s more important now than ever that you are getting all of the essential vitamins and minerals. Jamba Juice has some delicious smoothies that are specifically made to help you get and stay healthy. Soup is also an amazing food for those sick days.

6. Drink tea and honey. This works wonders if you have a sore throat; it’ll soothe and relax it. You’ll feel better with each sip.

7. Relax. Read a book or watch an entire season of “Orange is the New Black” on Netflix. Just do something to calm down and rest up. Sleep as much as possible — take advantage of this!

Kick those germs out of your system. Try to stay on top of your health before anything gets worse. Follow these tips even before you get sick — they’re preventative, too!

I am a journalism major here at the amazing Cal Poly. My goal is to get paid to travel. The ultimate dream job would be to work for National Geographic or a magazine similar to that. I caught the travel bug when I went to China my sophomore year of high school. Since then I have been to Costa Rica, Spain and France. I hope to add to my list this summer and then maybe study abroad with Cal Poly. I love everything that has to do with the outdoors. I enjoy hiking, swimming, biking and yoga. I love writing and am so excited to be a part of Her Campus!
Kayla Missman is a sophomore studying journalism at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Beyond serving as Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Cal Poly, she works at Mustang News, the college newspaper, as a reporter and copy editor. Follow her on Twitter @kaymissman.