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How to Have the Best Weekend in France

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

Last weekend I got the opportunity to road trip to Barcelona with 16 of my best friends in France. It was one of the greatest weekends of my life, and almost everyone agreed that it was theirs, too. It was our second to last weekend together and we became even closer than we were. Some of the highlights of the weekend were going to the beach, drinking mojitos and swimming in the turquoise Mediterranean for hours, celebrating my friend’s birthday with tapas and sangria and wandering around an outdoor market filled with exotic vendors. Here are some tips for the best weekend ever:

1. Plan ahead. Way ahead — cars, hostels, food, sightseeing etc.

2. Check into ALL details — Does your designated driver have a license? Do you really need a passport to get into this country?

3. Be wary of those who get “hangry.” No one wants to be around someone whose moods drop with their blood sugar like The Tower of Terror, so make sure there’s always a plan for meals and bring snacks. Everywhere.

4. Try to stick together, but understand you’re all going to get sick of each other from time to time and will want to do different things.

5. Have fun!

I am a journalism student Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and I am studying abroad in France for the semester.
Kayla Missman is a sophomore studying journalism at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Beyond serving as Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Cal Poly, she works at Mustang News, the college newspaper, as a reporter and copy editor. Follow her on Twitter @kaymissman.