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9 Ways Women Can Be More Politically Active in 2017

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

After the emotionally-charged presidential election in 2016, many people are approaching the new year with one resolution in mind: to become more politically active. But political involvement can be hard to stick with over the course of the year without a specific plan of action, and it can be hard to find ways to be more involved. Here are some ways that you can fulfill your goal of being more politically active this year:

1. Attend City Council, town hall and school board meetings​

Get a close view of what’s important to your city’s legislators and let your voice be heard on the issues. You can invite others to join you and make it an event. Your voice matters more than you know.

2. Follow your elected officials on social media

It’s important to stay connected with your elected officials, so follow them on all of their social media accounts. This way, you can hear updates directly from those that represent you.

3. Phone your local lawmakers about an issue that matters to you

Use your voice to make real change in your community. Calling your elected official is the best way to incite real change in government. You can find this information by going to their official government website.

4. Donate time or money to a cause that you’re passionate about

Try giving support to an issue or organization that you care about. If you don’t know what cause to support or are confused about where to get started, visit websites like Volunteer Match where you can pick from lists of organizations and causes.

5. Attend a political event, rally or protest

There are always political events to attend, whether they be protests or shows of solidarity. Social media is a great place to get information on political events happening near you.

6. Make sure to vote in the off-year election

Even though we just had a presidential election, there are always off-year elections (which means that a presidential election isn’t taking place that year), and these are just as important. Make sure that you are registered to vote and are partaking in these off-season city council, mayoral or gubernatorial elections.

7. Run for political office, or encourage others to do so

We could always use more women in the political realm. And what better way to bring about real change than to run for office yourself? If running for office isn’t for you, then encourage those around you that have voiced an interest in running for a political office.

8. Join a political or a student organization

Joining an organization can be a great way to get informed! You can also choose to join groups that align with your political values. Examples of such groups on campus may be the Cal Poly College Republicans, the Cal Poly Democrats, ASI and the Cal Poly Political Science Club.

9. Apply to be a contributor or writer

This is one of the best things you can do to be more politically active. It is a perfect way for your voice to be heard! Plus, it will look great on your resume down the road.

So don’t be afraid to get out there and voice your opinion. Join organizations, talk to your elected officials, be highly visible and maybe even run for office! Let’s make it a goal for us women to be even more politically active this year! Yes, we can!

Emily has also authored political articles for Restless Magazine and numerous inspirational and empowering pieces for Project Wednesday. When she isn't writing, she can be found flying off to her next adventure, attempting new recipes, listening to one of her infinite playlists on Spotify, or cuddling with her dogs. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter @emilycveith.