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5 Things NOT to Bring to College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

So you have officially graduated from high school and are getting ready to start your college career. First off, congrats! High school is a huge hurdle everyone must jump to get to adulthood. And you survived it.  Now before you get ready to start your college chapter of your life, we would like to bestow some little gems of our college wisdom to you and tell you the five things you definitely shouldn’t  pack for college.

1) Your Cool Card

You are probably wondering, what the heck is a cool card? It’s your typical “I’m too cool for anything” attitude that newly-graduated high school seniors  try to carry over to college. Just rip it up, because college is about discovering your true self and not having to worry about acting “cool” to fit in. Be yourself and you will do just fine. The Her Campus Cal Poly guarantee!

2) Your Pet

Sorry Chance, Shadow and Sassy, but you can’t come to college with us. We understand it’s hard to leave your furry friends behind, but your new RA won’t be happy if he or she finds Fido living under your bed. Invest in an aquatic friend like a betta fish, because they are resident -hall friendly and RA-approved. Plus you can always get a furry friend when you are off-campus in your later years in college.

3) Your kitchen appliances

Resident halls don’t allow or appreciate you using any outside appliances not provided because it’s dangerous: your toaster could start a fire, your blender could blow a electrical circuit or some other expensive disaster could occur. Just wait till you live in an apartment.

4)Your old high school gear

Yes, this sounds harsh because you’re still full of pride for your high school. However, once you start going to college, no one really cares where you went to high school. You are part of the family of Cal Poly Mustangs now! Just redirect all that pride towards your new home.

5) Your collection(s)

Don’t get us wrong, we understand your Doctor Who Sonic Screwdrivers and Disney Trading pins collections are rad, but leave that stuff at home. You’re barely going to have enough space for the basics so don’t bring your collections. Your parents will take care of them for you, and they will still be there when you come back for Thanksgiving break.

Share this list with your friends and enjoy your first year at Cal Poly.

Davis is a 4th year Dairy Science major who has a passion for tea, dressing up her rabbit, playing Pokemon and making every Disney movie she watches a sing-along.Davis tries her best to incorporate her bubbly personality into all her articles.Davis thanks you for taking the time out of your busy lives to observe and reflect on her (mostly) silly articles.Enjoy! 
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Aja Frost

Cal Poly

Aja Frost is a college junior living in San Luis Obispo, California. She is equally addicted to good books and froyo, and considers the combo of the two the best since pb & b (peanut butter and banana.) Aja has been published on the Huffington Post, USA Today College, Newsweek, The Daily Muse, xoJane, and Bustle, among other publications. Follow her on Twitter: @ajavuu