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22 Struggles of Curly-Haired Girls

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

Choosing to embrace your naturally curly hair is a rollercoaster ride filled with many ups and downs. Even after learning everything there is to learn about maintaining beautiful, perfect curls, there are always going to be moments when you want to chop them all off. Here are some of those moments…

1. People always referring to you as “the one with the curly hair”

Your hair is practically your identity at this point.

2. Trying on too many outfits and consequently turning your hair into an afro

As if you didn’t need more stress to add to your morning routine!

3. Restraining yourself from touching your curls because that will ultimately mess them up more


Can’t. Stop. Fixing. Hair.

4. Hearing girls with silky, straight hair complain about their “frizz”

Are you kidding me right now?

5. Humidity messing up your hair

Vacationing in the tropics just got less fun.

6. Wind messing up your hair

Open car windows count as well.

7. Rain messing up your hair

Wearing a hood will mainly just make your hair frizzier.

8.    Waking up in the morning and realizing that you will never be able to achieve “second day hair”


9.    Spending hours online and in beauty stores trying to find a product that will help to tame the beast…

Remain calm… there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

10. …and then spending a fortune on products that end up doing nothing for your hair

You’ve learned over the years that what they claim on the bottle is usually a lie.

11. Having unrealistic expectations from curly-haired celebrities and models

Not all of us can afford a personal stylist that will give us Taylor Swift curls!

12. Giving up on your hair halfway through the day and putting it into a ponytail/bun

Hey, at least I tried.

13. Always running out of conditioner before you run out of shampoo

“Use a ‘dime’ sized dollop of conditioner” LOL.

14. Searching for “curly hairstyles” on Google and most of the models definitely don’t have naturally curly hair

There is a major difference between “curly” and “curled”, people.

15. Brushing your hair and only making it frizzier

Dry hair + hairbrush = mega fro

16. Wanting bangs but knowing that it would be near impossible to pull off

You know you’ll hate your life after getting them, but it’s oh so tempting…

17. Your friends always drawing you with ridiculous corkscrews coming out of your head

“But that’s just how your hair looks!”

18. Realizing that you forgot to pack an extra hair tie

Time to go hide in a corner.

19. Looking at old pictures of yourself and wondering why your parents didn’t help you out a little more with your hair routine

The middle school years… *shudder*

20. Non-curly haired girls are always trying to give you hair suggestions

You can go…I’ve got this.

21. Having a great hair day, but knowing that you need to take a shower or nap that could ruin it all

22. Some days, your hair has a mind of its own

Curly on top, straight underneath? Alrighty then.

Hannah is a sophomore at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, CA. Besides writing, she loves running, Thai food and making ridiculously unaffordable collections on Wanelo. Hannah is obsessed with The Walking Dead, old Disney movies, Ed Sheeran and wasting time on Photoshop. She'd like to point out that she can't sing or dance, but will, because that's when it's the most fun, especially when the songs are from "Les Miserables." Follow her on Twitter @joslin_hannah and Instagram @hannahmichele8