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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

A full moon occurs nearly every 29 days during the peak of the lunar cycle. The moon is a feminine symbol for clarity within our inner worlds. She can represent our thoughts, feelings, and subconscious beliefs. The full moon sits opposite the sun, fully illuminated by its light and thus, the full moon herself challenges us to face our more intimate sides. Like many other astrological events, the full moon can be a very powerful time. She brings heightened emotions, mental processes, and dreams. It’s a perfect time to let go of any aspects in your life that no longer serve you. In doubt, remember the three ‘re’s: reconnect, release, and recharge.

The next full moon is coming up on November 19th, so here’s a list of things you can do to reset your body and mind.


  • Meditate

Meditation is easier said than done, but it’s really one of the best ways to be introspective and ground yourself. Set a time limit, anything as short as 5 minutes, and take a seat in a safe, calming space. Notice your body, notice your breath, and try to notice when your mind wanders. Then, just return to your breaths. It may seem tedious at first, but meditation can bring about a sense of calm, peace, and enhanced self awareness.

  • Journal

It could be a diary entry, it could be a set of intentions. Manifestation energies are high during this time, so get in touch with your goals and write them down as if they’ve already come to be. The full moon promotes the idea of gratitude, so you can even do as little as make a list of everything you’re thankful for.

  • Get outside

Being outdoors in nature is one of those easy ways to ‘clean out’ your mind. Being in front of a screen too much unsurprising leads to stress and headaches. Take a walk, read a book in the park, sunbathe, breathe in that autumn air, all of it promotes peace and reduces feelings of depression and anxiety.


  • Clean out

More than your physical space, give your life a good scrub down.

Reflect on how your relationships are doing, get in touch with old friends or end toxic relationships. Take a couple minutes and readdress your finances. Look at how much money you have going in and out, maybe refresh your budget. Clear your schedule! Make time for yourself in your day as well as figure out which aspects of your life need more attention, and remember trying to fit everything in your schedule all the time is not healthy.

Look through your social media and clear out anything that’s bringing negativity to your life. Unfriend and unfollow anything that doesn’t suit you, and unsubscribe to things you no longer pay attention to.

Of course, get rid of your physical clutter. Not just your room, but your desk, your car, your backpack, anywhere and anything that you find yourself spending time. Clean up your space, reorganize that messy drawer, go through your clothes and get rid of what doesn’t fit anymore.

  • Exercise

This one may be a little tricky to do if it’s not already embedded in your routine, but there’s no bad time to begin. Exercise can help improve mood and you’re rewarded with energy and better sleep. As Elle Woods says, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.”


  • Drink some water

Drinking water makes you literally glow. Hydration can cure dry skin as well as help with acne and elasticity. It helps you stay focuses and alert, reduces headaches, and boosts energy while replacing electrolytes. You need it to regulate digestion, to improve your immune system, and to flush out toxins.

Try to start every day with a glass of water!

  • Take a bath

Run your tub with warm water, sprinkle in some epsom salt, break out the essential oils, light some candles, and spread out your crystals. While you prepare your space, concentrate on your intentions for the upcoming moon cycle. Be grateful for your body and say your affirmations: I am healthy, I am strong, and all I need is within me.

A hot bath can help with muscle pain, soothe irritated skin, elevate your mood, and they help you sleep better. Baths aren’t just to destress, they do your whole body good.

  • Drink some water

Drinking water makes you literally glow. Hydration can cure dry skin as well as help with acne and elasticity. It helps you stay focuses and alert, reduces headaches, and boosts energy while replacing electrolytes. You need it to regulate digestion, to improve your immune system, and to flush out toxins.

Try to start every day with a glass of water!

The full moon offers everyone a fresh start, but the most important thing you can do during the full moon is to simply be aware of yourself and listen to your body’s needs. Remember, you don’t need a full moon to take care of yourself and do what’s best for you.

Abbey is a sophomore at the College of Charleston and this is her first year writing for Her Campus.