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Spring 2023 fashion trends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

With the year winding down to a close, it is time to start looking ahead into the new year, and more importantly what people will be wearing in the year 2023. Due to our society’s obsession with the ever-changing trends and the constant recycling of style every few years, what we can expect from 2023 fashion-wise will be a mix of new and old. I have compiled a list of a few fashion trends I expect to arise early next year based on upcoming runway designs, fashion now, and my own stylistic intuition.

Mesh clothing

With the return of bodysuits earlier this year lead the gateway for the return of mesh clothing itself. Lately mesh has been making its appearance in bodysuits, tops, and dresses with a goal of being used for layers and exposing more skin. Many pair mesh overtop of cute slips or two pieces and mesh has been known to be filled with patterns or sparkles to draw even more attention.

cargo pants

On the runways cargo pants have become big, with good reason. They are practical and can also help form the silhouette depending on whether the wearer prefers a more baggy or fitted look. Not only do they provide a great source of storage but also fit with the everygoing street style of younger generations and give the wearer a great Kim Possible vibe.

bomber jackets

Continuing on with the recent rise of street style, nowadays (probably influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic) comfort is a big part of fashion and is helping to grow the loungewear style. Bomber jackets are not only sporty and comfortable but are also stylish and come in many different colors and designs. I expect that we will be seeing a lot of different jackets on the racks as we enter into the early months of 2023.

return of punk

The return of the classic punk and grunge style is something that I have been anticipating over the past few years. With the recent rise of nostalgia and punk rock often seen through band tees and combat boots, I believe that 2023 is the year that we finally make a full return to one of the most classic and fashionable styles. Soon we will be expecting to see a more modernized look on the classic 90s punk scene, with a focus on self-expression and probably lots of leather. Expect to see more zips on pants, fishnet tights, and dark makeup on the streets in the coming year.

city school girl

In almost the exact opposite of the punk style, I expect to see the rise of prep high fashion clothes, most notably based on the style of the original Gossip Girl. This style once again ties into the nostalgia for the Y2K style that has already been on the rise and is now making way for the return of the City School Girl. This style would mainly be shown through the classic “preppy clothes” such as miniskirts and sweater vests or cardigan. Accessories that would go with this style would include loafers or saddle shoes, the return of mini handbags or purses, and hair accessories such as headbands or oversized bows.

College of Charleston Class of 2026. Communications Major and Creative Writing Minor. Feminist and LGBTQ+ Activist. Lover of Musicals, Old Bookstores, and Cheesy Horror Movies.