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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

The omicron variant is causing everything to shut down and/or go back to the virtual format, and it’s giving me strange feelings that remind me of March 2020. It also brings about a lot of uncertainty when it comes to the future just as everything was just beginning to feel like the new “normal”. The CDC keeps updating us with information the best they know how, but a lot of this is coming in the form of reducing quarantine periods and upgrading our levels of mask protection. I guess the biggest question is what do all these new changes mean when it comes to future variants- the trend that we have been seeing is that a greater number of people are getting sick but they are not getting as sick. Especially when they are fully vaccinated + boosted, it lessens the risks but people are still getting infected in record numbers. It’s making it a very difficult time for us all as we all are trying to navigate the best approach to get through this spike- hopefully without catching Omicron. 

The best way we’ve learned is to upgrade our mask game and overall revert back to quarantine season 2 habits. These involve staying informed on updates and getting tested regularly. It’s going to take some readjustment but like we have seen before we are able to persevere through these rough patches. In my life, this means finding some new hobbies that I can use to keep myself busy, so I don’t just sit around being anxious about what’s going on in the world. Here are some things that I’ve done that might help you find a new interest:

Reading a new Book

There’s nothing that hits quite right like diving into a good book to distract yourself from the craziness surrounding us. I love hitting my local Barnes and Noble to browse the clearance section for a good bargain read.

Playing Video Games

I recently got back into gaming after a really long slump, staying inside for a while kind of re-ignited my interest in it and I’ve really enjoyed it! It definitely helps me to find something to do in my spare time.


This is something I love to do especially when I’m feeling really stressed and overwhelmed. I write down all the things that are bothering me as a way to get them out of my system. It opens up space in my mind that I can use to focus on school or things I enjoy, it has definitely contributed to helping my mental wellbeing.

Howdy! My name is Julia Brown, and I’m a senior studying Elementary Education with minors in Music and Sociology. In my free time, I like to listen to music, drink lots of coffee, and spot dogs on the street. I enjoy writing advice articles, music and movie reviews, and ways to make the most of your time on campus!