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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.


Life in general can become so chaotic. Sometimes it may feel completely unbearable. Between class, work, Greek life, clubs & organizations, and all that homework, enough stressors exist to make one feel temporarily insane. When it does, one should take a step back, seclude oneself, and regroup. Spending time alone does not necessarily make you a “loner.” In fact, I think it keeps you independent and not codependent. 


The key to balance is to seek solitude.   Here are five different ways to help you find peace of mind in your busy life:

  • Yoga
  • Listen to the Sound of the Ocean
  • Cuddle with Your Pet 
  • Curl Up with a Good Book 
  • Sip On Hot Tea 
Camilla States is a member of the class of 2015 at The College of Charleston.  She hails from the seaside town of Gloucester, Massachusetts, where she enjoys spending her summers on both land and sea.  A Communications major also pursuing a minor in Political Science, Camilla aspires for a future career in broadcast or print journalism. She is also studying Modern Standard Arabic, with hopes of one day becoming proficient in the language. From a young age, Camilla has held a fascination for world geography and foreign cultures.  She hopes to someday traverse the world, from New England to New Zealand and everywhere in between.