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How to Find Your Niche on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.


Everyone has thier ideal “college experence”. It might be joining a sorority, becoming a huge participant in political events, or finding the perfect club to join.  There are many ways to find your place on campus, have a great experience and emjoy college at the same time!This year, I walked into my FYE (First Year Experience) class fall semester and found my place then and there. My FYE classes, Intro to Women and Gender Studies and Intro to Poltical Science, completely opened my eyes to many things I had never thought about. The two classes made me think in a new way and helped me find my major. This year at College at Charleston, I became very politcally active and found what I was passionate about. I got to learn things about myself that I did not know.

Here is some advice on how to find your place on campus:

•   Join a club! Joining a club fills up your extra time and lets you participate in interests that you are passionate about. You will form bonds with people who have similar goals and interests.Clubs will also give you experience in different areas of topics.

•   Make friends, but don’t force it. Making friends is an important part of life. You rely on friends for everyday advice, compassion and just having fun! Coming on too strong at first can give people the wrong impression. You want people to be your friend, not to avoid you.

•   Explore majors. When you come to college the probability of you knowing what you want to study is not that likely.  Take a variety of classes to learn about what you are passionate about. A teacher or the material in the class might change your perspective on a subject in a new way.

•   Find something you are passionate about. When you find something you are passionate about, you will work harder at it. Clubs, majors, sports and work are all great places to find your passions.

Find yourself. College is a time to discover who you are. You learn new things about yourself. Don’t be afraid to try new things and to take risks. It is alright to make mistakes, you’ll only learn! 

Photos by Ashley Curtis.  Instagram: ashweecurtis

Originally from North Carolina, Mary is a sophomore at the College of Charleston. Mary is a Women and Gender studies major and is very passionate about women's issues and politics. In her free time she likes to read, watch Netflix, write and hang out with friends.  When she graduates she hopes to work for a non-profit in Washington, DC and also write for a Magazine. 
Camilla States is a member of the class of 2015 at The College of Charleston.  She hails from the seaside town of Gloucester, Massachusetts, where she enjoys spending her summers on both land and sea.  A Communications major also pursuing a minor in Political Science, Camilla aspires for a future career in broadcast or print journalism. She is also studying Modern Standard Arabic, with hopes of one day becoming proficient in the language. From a young age, Camilla has held a fascination for world geography and foreign cultures.  She hopes to someday traverse the world, from New England to New Zealand and everywhere in between.