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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.



Historic Preservation and Community Planning, Art History, and Economics major, Spanish minor



Washington Crossing, PA


What is your favorite thing about CofC?

My favorite thing about CofC is that we are in a metropolitan area but yet have such a strong campus identity. I also love the small class sizes and the accessibility of the professors.


What is your favorite class you’ve taken so far?

My favorite class I have taken so far is probably Intro to Historic Preservation with Professor Oberstar because she got me really excited about the major and what I could potentially go on to do with my degree. It was a great way to be introduced to all of the avenues within historic preservation.


What is your best freshman year memory?

My best freshman year memory was getting accepted into Charleston 40, the tour guide association. It really solidified, for me, that CofC was the right choice as well as introducing me to some of the most talented and charismatic students on campus.


What do you think is the best food in Charleston?

The best food in Charleston, for me, would have to be at Caviar and Bananas. I average about one meal a day there. Everything is really fresh and I am not completely going to break the bank like I might at some of the restaurants on East Bay.


What ways are you involved on campus?

I am a consultant at the writing lab within the Center for Student Learning. I am a tour guide as well as an executive board member (Group Tour Coordinator) for Charleston 40. I was also just newly inducted into the Student Alumni Associates.


What does a typical weekend look like for you?

A typical weekend is generally a respite from my on campus activities (except for scheduling tours for the upcoming week). I usually walk around Charleston, hit the farmer’s market, and hang out with my friends off campus.


What is your dream job?

My dream job would be working in the art business. Whether that is at an auction house or in museum administration, only time will tell.


Do you have any advice for incoming freshmen?

My best advice for incoming freshmen would be to seek out opportunities. While CofC does a decent job of advertising what is going on campus, it’s not like high school. You really have to make what you want happen.

College of Charleston Sophomore
Camilla States is a member of the class of 2015 at The College of Charleston.  She hails from the seaside town of Gloucester, Massachusetts, where she enjoys spending her summers on both land and sea.  A Communications major also pursuing a minor in Political Science, Camilla aspires for a future career in broadcast or print journalism. She is also studying Modern Standard Arabic, with hopes of one day becoming proficient in the language. From a young age, Camilla has held a fascination for world geography and foreign cultures.  She hopes to someday traverse the world, from New England to New Zealand and everywhere in between.