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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

For fans of fantasy novels and series who have trouble finding new books to start, here are a few recommendations!

The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson

This is an epic high fantasy series that has been compared to Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones. The series follows six main protagonists’ points of view to tell a story of interconnected perspectives and plots. This, combined with the overarching mystery of the magic in the world, makes it impossible to put down. The series is extremely detailed and an undertaking, but it earned the comparison to Lord of the Rings for a reason.

The Smoke Thieves by Sally Green

This series begins with several different points of view. What makes it stand out is how the characters’ paths slowly begin to cross and intersect throughout the story in interesting ways. Fans of the Throne of Glass series will enjoy the strong characters.

Sabriel by Garth Nix

This one is a classic fantasy series with a fascinating magic system. It follows the story of a necromancer, Sabriel, as she tries to rescue her father from death. Fans of Mistborn will enjoy the unique and detailed magic system.

Rebel of the Sand by Alwyn Hamilton

This series stands out with its unique setting, a Middle-Eastern fantasy desert with Wild West elements. The main character, Amani, is trying to escape her dying town, and when she finally escapes, she finds herself entangled in a rebellion. Fans of the Tamora Pierce books will enjoy the characters and adventures in this series.

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

Another series with a unique setting, turn of the century Russia with steampunk elements included. The series follows an orphan, Alina, as she discovers her special type of magic and is thrown into politics while learning who to trust. The author has also expanded upon this universe with the Six of Crows series, a compilation of short stories about the folklore of the world, and a new series about a fan-favorite character. A TV show is also currently being filmed.

Each of these books and series have unique settings, strong characters, and story-lines that make them worth the read. 

Audrey Ross

C of C '23

Audrey Ross has lived in three different states and currently lives in Charleston, South Carolina. She a junior at the College of Charleston and is double majoring in Studio Art and Arts Management. She has participated in National Novel Writing Month for eight years and has written 4 novels. She is currently working on finishing a manuscript to submit for publishing. Her interests include sketching, painting, reading, history, fashion history, sewing, and writing.