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Opportunity is Knocking. Answer the Door

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.

Have you ever stopped for a moment in your ever so hectic college life and thought about what YOUR dreams were? I don’t mean your short-term goals like getting all A’s (mostly A’s) or graduating from your university. Of course these things are incredibly important, but I mean the dreams you have that you feel are nearly impossible so it is easier to just set them aside.


Put your headphones in and turn on that song that always makes you feel like a straight bad ass, and like you could possibly take over the world if that was the soundtrack to your life.

This world is constantly changing and growing and adapting and it is absolutely incredible. That also means that nothing is going to wait for you to decide to go for your dreams; that my friend is completely up to you.

As cheesy as it sounds, we truly are the future. In a few years Obama will no longer be in office and someone new will take his place and be the President of our country.

As crazy as it seems that President was once a college student who took final exams, possibly was a part of a Fraternity, walked to class in the frigid cold and even dreaded those 8 am’s.

One day the VMA’s will have an entirely new lineup and crew putting on the show. At one point those artists were playing in a band in their garage, picking up open mic night shifts at a coffee shop or sending out demo reel after demo reel.

My point is any person who has ever made their dreams come true was once in your place.

So yes. It is possible.

Get it Together:

Take a few moments to yourself and do your best to understand what YOUR dreams are. Put aside for a moment the obstacles or the words of discouragement you have heard in the past.

Once you have figured out what it is that your heart strives for, write it down, make a collage, grab a magazine and cut out some inspiring words. Whatever it takes to get you excited about what it is that you are going to pursue.

Now hang that list up or frame that collage or even make it the back ground on your phone so that each and every day you are reminded that you have aspirations for bigger and better things.

Get Inspired:

Find inspiration everywhere you go. Read everything that you can that will teach you more about the world and encourage you to strengthen the person that you are.

When we feel inspired we gain more confidence because we begin to believe in ourselves and believe in what the world can offer us.

Continue to gain experience, knowledge, and relationships with people who have already accomplished their dreams or who are on the same path that you are. Inspire yourself and inspire those around you with your ambition.

I can promise you, once you begin to put forth real effort not just a vivid daydream before bed and make moves towards your dreams you will feel more inspired each and every day. Watching your dreams come to life is the best inspiration, continue to push yourself and keep growing.

Take Action:

Each day put forth the slightest bit of effort toward your dream. Five minutes of your time spent on it is better than no time at all.

Yes you do have five minutes a day because I know you spent at least five minutes on Facebook and if Mark Zuckerberg hadn’t spent a few minutes a day toward his dream you would not even have Facebook to look at.

Figure out a list of people or companies or organizations you have to get in touch with who could be of help and email them, Facebook them, call them, or even hell send them some air mail.

Get involved. Network. Get your name out there. In today’s world it is a mix of who you are and whom you know in order to be successful. This is why you should always be kind because you never know who could be a part of your dreams coming true and one day you can pass the good karma to someone else.

The more people you know the better. Even if your dream does not involve a lot of human interaction and you want to travel the world alone. The more people you meet you will either be inspired by them in some type of way or their disbelief in you should always push you to try harder and prove them wrong.

Make it Happen:

Bust your a** every single moment that you can. Dreams do not come easy to most of us.  However, it will be more rewarding looking back at the journey you made to get where you will be one day.

Be patient. Rome was not built in a day as they say. You are not going to be a superstar tomorrow, and you probably will not be inaugurated next January. Good things do come to those who wait, but not those who wait around and do nothing about it.

Believe in yourself. Believe in yourself. Believe in yourself. I cannot say that enough to any human in the world. No one is going to believe in you, until you do. Once you start making moves toward your dream you will begin to realize what you are capable of and those around you will too. Surprise yourself, you will never know until you try.

Finally, never give up. You have your entire life to make your dream come true. It is never too late. Life is full of opportunities and as the world grows more doors will be there for you to open. Especially at this young age, start now and never stop again.

Opportunity is knocking. Answer the damn door

Natalie is a Senior at Central Michigan University. She is working toward a Bachelor of Science degree with an emphasis on Broadcast and Cinematic Arts. Natalie has been a CMich Contributor since October of 2013 and represents our chapter as our Social and Events Coordinator. Natalie has a deep passion for pop culture and entertainment and she is looking forward to a career in entertainment television or news as a Multimedia Journalist and/or Producer. Until then, she will continue to be a part of our chapter, to participate in News Central 34 and E Central, remain an active member of NBS, and continue to make strides towards making her dreams come true.