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Halsey Lyrics to Empower your Inner Feminist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.

About a year ago, American singer-songwriter Halsey faced backlash for making a debut appearance for Playboy.  Many people argued that Halsey couldn’t consider herself a feminist because of her willingness to pose for semi-nude photos .

They are so wrong.

Halsey responded to these comments saying, “’Yeah it’s crazy. I can show my tits in Playboy, perform at the Nobel Peace, speak at the Planned Parenthood Gala with Hillary Clinton, shake my ass on 300 stages, give a speech at the United Nations, do 150 shots of tequila, get a #1 album, and march in the streets of DC all in just ONE year!”

Halsey’s story is empowering and inspiring. In my opinion, I believe that her ability to pose for Playboy after all of her personal experiences growing up makes her an even stronger woman and role model for young women.

I also believe that the people who argue against Halsey being a feminist must not have listened to her lyrics closely enough.  Her music tells stories of sexual assault, love, pain, and independence. Her words are fragile yet powerful. If you don’t believe me, take a look at a few of my personal favorite songs.


“I’m a wanderess, I’m a one night stand. Don’t belong to no city. Don’t belong to no man.”

For Ruby

“Put up your fists. Put on a smile and blow them a kiss. ‘Cause Ruby, you’re nothing but brave. Oh, and I know that you can be saved.”

100 Letters

“But I don’t let him touch me anymore. I said ‘I’m not something to butter up and taste when you get bored’.”

Strange Love

“They think I’m insane, they think my lover is strange. But I don’t have to f*cking tell them anything, anything.”

Now or Never

“I want you to love me now, now, now, now, now, now. Now or never.”

Hi there! My name is Kara and I am originally from Freeland, Michigan, a tiny town in the Mid-Michigan area. I am a junior here at Central Michigan University and I am pursuing a degree in Advertising and Multi-Media Design. I have a passion for art, fashion, and music so I hope to one day work in one of these industries. My dream is to live in Chicago or New York! On campus, I am involved with the Honors Program, Advertising Student Development Forum (ASDF), the Beta Phi chapter of the Delta Phi Epsilon sorority, and am now serving as the co-correspondent and editor-in-chief of the C-Mich chapter of Her Campus. I am excited to take on this role and be working with our team throughout this journey! I absolutely love Her Campus and everything that it stands for. It is not only important to empower women, but important to empower people of all sexualities, genders, races, religious beliefs, etc. A fun fact about me is that I love to roller blade and I spent over a month in Thailand this past summer!